Magherini case, the cassation pays the three carabineers


the Court of Cbadation absolve the three carabineros accused of the murder of Riccardo Magherini, the 40-year-old former footballer died during a detention carried out by Arma agents on the night of March 3 to 3, 2014 in Florence. For the judges of the Supreme Court, "the fact is not a crime"Thus, the Supreme Court promptly quashed the guilty verdict of voluntary homicide pronounced by the Court of Appeal.

Deputy Attorney General of the Supreme Court Felicetta Marinelli asked to reject all appeals presented and to confirm the conviction for the three agents at 8 and 7 months. For merit judgments, Magherini's death was allegedly caused by respiratory stress caused by cocaine use and the recumbent position in which he was held by the carabineros. For the general prosecution in the Supreme Court, the appeals of carabinieri Vincenzo Corni, sentenced to 8 months, and Stefano Castellano and Agostino della Porta, sentenced to 7 months, were to be rejected. Family lawyer, Fabio Anselmo, instead has asked that manslaughter be recognized.

According to the defense of the carabinieri, represented by the lawyer Francesco Maresca, "The carabinieri intervened without any evidence to understand what had happened to Magherini, who died of several causes, even for respiratory problems." At this time of emergency, it was necessary to block her, and the police could not understand what was the right time to put it in place".

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