Magi (Omceo Roma): "In Italy the obligation serves"


05 JUL – "In many European countries there is no compulsory vaccination because, for the coverage against diseases and therefore the subsequent disappearance of the disease, there is the common sense of To impose certain procedures, we are rather obliged to put "obligations", unfortunately, that of "no vax" is a "fashion" that comes from the past, started with the Di Bella method first, then by Stamina.Types then canceled by scientific badyzes ineffectiveness certified ". That's what the president of Oceo Roma, Antonio Magi said about the microphones of Radio Radio.

"When I went to school, I had friends with polio and if it does not happen anymore, it's only thanks to the vaccinations, it's as if asked if surgery was necessary, the answer is obviously yes, as well as vaccinations. scientific evidence ", he concluded

05 July 2018
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