Mannoia humiliated on the net: she attacked Salvini on migrants


Submerged in criticism. He did not expect it. Mancava Fiorella Mannoia in the "gotha" of personalities attacking the government and Salvini on the politics of migratory flows. She intervened at his side, good old man, ex piddina and now left grill. But the network humiliates him. Post a photo of a wreck of migrants at sea with the inevitable attack on Italy and the government: "The first fruits are gathered. Sleep peacefully". But the network has the memory of an elephant, do not forget and do not forgive: "But you have not borne the Five Stars than the other yesterday?", Recalls a user: "You have always supported the Five Stars".

You try to defend yourself without going into the background: "The Mediterranean is a huge cemetery, no one cares about those unfortunate people, not even you who are now hunted by the witches, who make the proscription lists. put it on the right side, you also make it a political issue, like everyone else. " A user responds: "To grill when the head of the party that speaks speaks of marine taxis", another writes: "Fiorè, you contributed to this government, you have the decency to admit it". Finally the personal attack: "radical snob".

And immediately remind him of his enthusiastic support for the M5. "But you did not support the Five Stars before yesterday?" He does not deny having voted for them and a user responds angrily: "You are me mejo.Save me Minniti." Manno's love for the M5S is over in June of the year When the singer did not forgive Di Maio and badociate the abstention on the ius soli.The more does not forgive the previous membership to the Democratic Party.Then there are those who invite to boycotting him: "Do not buy Cd della Mannoia, attacked against the Italians".

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