Marriage already in crisis between Daniele Bossari and Filippa Lagerbäck? To confirm that it's a well-known weekly


Daniele Bossari is at the center of gossip in recent hours. The former winner of Great Fratello Vip and the last chronicler of The Isola dei Famosi with Mara Venier was going through a bad time with its history married Filippa Lagerbäck . To reveal this rumor is one of the most famous weeklies in Italy

In recent days, the weekly "Chi" directed by Alfonso Signorini had published really unexpected photos for the couple fans. In this case, we saw the former winner of the second edition of Great Fratello Vip kissing with another woman. The most suspicious people on this occasion speculated that between Daniele Bossari and Filippa Lagerbäck things did not go well because they wanted to make them believe.

The former head of "Top of the Pops" " Daniele Bossari immediately denied an alleged treason: " Nothing happened . We are talking about a friend. It lasted 20 seconds. There is no history, we exclude any kind of hypothesis that does not correspond to reality. I understand that you have to gossip, but that does not exist. " Later also Filippa Lagerbäck claimed to be very calm about this story

According to the weekly " Oggi " the situation would not be exactly like this : "They seem calm and carefree even if in a photo the handsome Swede seems nervous […] Their expression does not seem serene. Then they notice the photographer and the mood changes " and also speaks photos of Daniele Bossari : " People close to Filippa say that the Swedish presenter does not really want to comment on

This news of gossip does not seem however to stop Daniele Bossari and Filippa Lagerbäck who, on Instagram, continue to be peaceful and in love. In fact, it should not be excluded that these are just unfounded rumors. Obviously, to know more, we must wait for another official declaration of Daniele Bossari or his wife, which could serve to rebadure their fans.

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