Martina may have kissed the tempter Andrea


The anticipations [VIDEO] of the fourth episode of Temptation Island are truly astonishing. After much discussion, early clashes, angry shots in which the village tables and chairs were hit and struck, the first real treason of this edition could happen . Martina Sebastiani, the girlfriend of Gianpaolo Quarta

Martina Sebastiani very close to the single Andrea

The two boys came to Temptation Island at the request of her, who wearied From the often childish behavior of his mate under six, he had decided to write to the editorial staff.

However, something seems to have not gone in the right direction. The girl, indeed, during these first weeks came very close to the single Andrea. Between the two a beautiful complicity was created [VIDEO] which pushed them to exchange hugs and romantic effusions

What we will see in the next episode, diffused on Monday 30 July, might surprise. The girlfriend of Gianpaolo will be closer to the single Andrea to the point of being able to exchange a tender kiss . The images broadcast, however, were carefully cut by the editorial when the lips of the two protagonists touched

Possible kiss between Martina and Andrea, the faults of Gianpaolo

For this reason, at least for now, we can not know if the kiss was consumed or if both were retained.

What is clear, however, is that the girl has a strong attraction for the single Andrea who pushes her more and more to get away from her current boyfriend .

But what would Gianpaolo be in this whole story? According to the version of the facts of Martina, it seems that the boy has always turned out to be a very immature person, always ready to try with a girl that he filmed, as she l & rsquo; Previously said: "What hurts me the most is that I have left everything to move towards him." It's a kid. "Strong words for a couple who have been together for many years.

Meanwhile, convinced that he is right, Gianpaolo seems to continue to live his experience in the village of an almost carefree way, as he did not know what's going on in the Girlfriend's Village, we just have to wait for the next episode to find out how it's going to end.

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