Mary, a victory against all the tumor "Made in the South" – You can win


With pride she tells how his fight against cancer lived in his country, Basilicata.
It was a victory, his, totally "made in the South" in what you describe as "centers of excellence" in Lucania.
Maria Vitale likes to summarize her eight years after the diagnosis of bad cancer. "Today, I do an annual checkup because I am under close scrutiny, as it should be," he says.
He has the tenacity to sell, so much that he can not feel good about the disease. "I point out one thing: I can not stand when I hear someone talking about someone who has died from an" incurable disease "instead of calling him by his name, "tumor" – he says – As we see more and more often, he is no longer incurable.There are people who live very well for a long time … An example: that of beauty- mother of my cousin: she is 82 years old, 30 years ago she was diagnosed with cancer but she came out very well ". Maria is one of those people who has always focused on prevention.
"I found out for myself that something was wrong, thanks to self-examination – he said – In the family we had some familiarity, since two of the my father's sisters and one of my cousins ​​died of bad cancer. It was a Sunday afternoon in September 2009 when he discovered "a peppercorn, hard, real, not painful," I say, "he's here."
It's him. "From Lauria she goes to Potenza and meets what she calls" an angel, "the primary senology of San Carlo Hospital. brought out a benign nodule but the doctor was not totally convinced, so from there to the operating room, the rhythm was very short.And infiltrating ductal carcinoma occurs.The next five years have pbaded with hormone therapy that brought him severe osteoporosis with the collapse of two vertebrae. "But today, this has regressed to osteopenia and I'm fine," he says. "Cancer makes you evaluate your priorities right now … Four years ago, I had the joy of becoming Nicolas' grandmother: so life took me away and m & # 39; also gave: "I redeemed myself, retired and helped people, sick oncology, to badert their rights even from a social security point of view.They ask for ide in the group by the group Facebook & # 39; The toste & # 39;
"I was followed by the bad unit of the San Carlo di Potenza – he said – No need to move from the South to heal.Here there are structures of great excellence, as per example that of Rionero in Vulture where I recently made a ecomammography with a 3D machine. "


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