Massimo Boldi emerges in Udine then Tarcento where his father was born: "An emotion for me" – Free time


the amarcord


"I came to visit Tarcento, to see the country where my father was born."

The comedian and comedian Mbadimo Boldi was visiting for a few days in Friuli for a dip in the origins of the paternal family.

"It's the first time I've come here – he said -. The Boldi (his father, Ed) was from 1913, he had thirteen brothers and his family still spoke Friulian. He was young at fifty-one, but I remember several expressions he used, including "this bielis maninis". "

Mbadimo was born in Luino, in the province of Varese and on the border with Switzerland where his father for work and knew what later became his wife.

What is it? did your father say of his homeland? "Not much, otherwise there was very little to eat and waited, especially in the long winter evenings. He told me that he put a smoked fish, "saracca", hanging in the middle of the table and with polenta gave a pbad to get some flavor. Or that we eat polenta and milk. "

The actor is busy since the end of June with the filming of the new cinepanettone titled" Amici come prima "with Christian De Sica, after thirteen years of interruption of the collaboration.

The film will be on the cinema screens at Christmas.

These days, the inventor of the character of Max Cipollino, the TV host of a small private station, remained in Udine at the time. Astoria hotel – "at the hotel of football players" that he told us on the phone – and he shot the Friuli together with Gianluca De Bortoli, the creator of "Facecjoc", the social network to success that speaks dialects and has reached seven million users.

"De Bortoli is my dear friend of a couple of years .I also came here to talk to him about a possible collaboration. with Mediaset, because with "Facecjoc" he had a good idea. "

And that is during the Friulian stay that the actor has received the news of the disappearance of director and friend Carlo Vanzina, who forced him to leave for Milan, then reach Rome sooner than expected.

"Right now I am in the capital, I just went to greet my friend and tomorrow I will attend the funeral.I grew up artistically with Carlo.With Neri Parenti, he is the only one of my favorite filmmakers, and with him I shot, among other things, the long series of "A Family Cyclone" (the hit TV series was broadcast for four consecutive years on Channel 5). "

Despite the hasty departure Boldi plans to come back as soon as possible in our region, which told us to have enjoyed a lot on his first visit.

But what did you like about Friuli?

"El wine questo, benedeto!"

As for the idea of ​​Gianluca De Bortoli, "Facecjoc" is considered the first Italian social network

of dialects. "It is also true, he says, that the Internet has no borders, proving that more and more foreigners are enrolled on the first and only Italian social network, finding a viable alternative to the world's most famous social networks ". –

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