Maternity: Egg freezing for career? No, wait for the good man


BARCELONA – This is not the spasmodic craving for the quarry that causes young women to freeze their eggs to delay a pregnancy. But, trivially, do not have a stable relationship with a man who has in his projects marriage and children. And to confirm what most women have known for a long time, there is now the largest qualitative study on the social freezing of oocytes, or for non-medical reasons. Study conducted in four large badisted reproduction centers in the United States and three in Israel, and presented this morning at the annual Eshre Congress, the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology, ongoing in Barcelona.

"Medical Literature and Even Newspapers Marian Inhorn, an anthropologist at Yale University who presented the study – tends to marry the thesis of career women who delay pregnancy by cryopreserving their oocytes – but our work suggests how it is The lack of a stable relationship is the main motivation ".

The study was conducted by in-depth interviews with 150 women who were about to freeze their oocytes in American fertility clinics (114 women) and Israelis (36). The overwhelming majority of them – 85% – did not have a partner or because they were single, divorced or divorced, because they had just broken a relationship, were single mothers by choice or circumstance, because they were working abroad. Or because he was planning his own professional career. The latter situation, however, was the least digitally significant, even among women who worked for companies that provided insurance coverage for egg freezing.

And we get to 15% instead of the partner having it but he was the same one who was going to the clinic to freeze oocytes. Why do you do it ?, is the question that was addressed to them, many of which at a good professional level. And the answers were of four types: there were those who were with a man not yet ready to have children, who was still an uncertain or recently started relationship, who had a partner who refused to have children or with someone who already had previous relationships. Hence the decision: give yourself a chance in the future.

Because that is precisely the meaning: to know that we want a child but in better conditions. "During my career, I have met hundreds of women who were about to freeze their eggs for non-medical purposes – Vincenza Zimbardi psychologist at IVI – as well as A doctor. I agreed to speak and I believe the stories are superimposable to the results of the American study. Women freeze eggs because they hope to meet a man with whom to build a stable relationship but who mostly has the same life plan. The discourse changes when we do not find the Prince Charming and then we wonder if we should do this child alone. "

The non-medical freezing of oocytes is a growing phenomenon everywhere, mainly because of the better results of vitrification techniques.In 2013, in the United States, more than 5,000 freezing cycles were achieved." But this year – states Pasquale Patrizio fertility specialist at Yale and co-authored the study – we are expecting 76,000. "Even though it's n & # 39; There are not many who come back to use their eggs. "Because if the man does not find it – concludes Marcia Inhorn – it remains only to make a child alone by resorting to the donation of spermatozoa "

In Italy, the number of frozen oocytes for non-medical reasons is very low." There is no mentality and little is known about the possibility – explains Daniela Galliano who heads the Roman center of Ivi – much more is done in Spain, but also the Italian s – last year 17 – freeze because they do not have a partner, certainly not for the career, and they hope to build a family in the future, but even the freeze has an age limit: the good indication is to win under 35 years. this age, it is good to know that they freeze oocytes. No fertility. "

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