Matt Cullen returns to Penguins, hopes for a new end of career


Updated 4 minutes ago

With a resume that includes more than 1,400 games in 20 seasons and three Stanley Cup rings, Matt Cullen's career history is long and fascinating.

He did not like the way the last chapter was outlined, so he wrote a new one.

Cullen, 41, returned unexpectedly to the Penguins on Sunday, signing a one – year contract worth $ 650,000 on opening day. from the free agency.

"It's a pretty cool opportunity of my age to come back and have a chance to make another run with this team," said Cullen, a member of the championship teams with the Penguins in 2016 and in 17.

When Cullen signed with the Minnesota Wild last summer, it was supposed to be his swan song. He will play one last season in his home country, allowing his wife, Bridget, and his three sons under 12 to start rooting where they would spend their father's post-hockey days.

The season did not unfold as well as Cullen had hoped. He has ambaded 11 goals and 11 badists in 79 games, but he is not counted on to play an important role. A few times, he slipped into a healthy scratching territory. He left a bitter taste in his mouth.

When Minnesota were eliminated from the first round of playoffs by Winnipeg, Cullen had time to consult with his family and think about their future plans. He wanted to play one more year.

When the Penguins signed Riley Sheahan last Wednesday, completing a full set of four centers, Cullen felt his chances of returning to Pittsburgh had evaporated.

He was wrong. General Manager Jim Rutherford called the next morning.

"When the phone rang and it was Pittsburgh, it did not take a long time to decide," Cullen said. "I had somehow decided a little before.That was enough time to find out."

It's not hard to see why Rutherford called. He wanted to add some balance to his top six, and Cullen scored 29 goals in two seasons on his last stint with the Penguins. He also wanted to add a positive influence to the locker room, and Cullen has always been known as a top player.

"We ran out of leadership last year, we lost some really key guys," Rutherford said. "We were hoping he would come back last year, we also think that with the character of Jack Johnson and Matt Cullen returning to this room, we're going to recover some of it."

The Return Cullen's also gives versatility to the Penguins' lineup. With five contracted centers, coach Mike Sullivan could move Cullen, Sheahan or Derick Brbadard to the wing.

Cullen said that he is eager to play several times in the lineup. He also said that he looks forward to returning to a style of play that fits his game.

"We play a fast and fast play style that allows you to use your instinct and your skills in both ends of the ice, "Cullen said. "For me, it was a perfect fit.

" I really enjoy being used in all kinds of different situations. This allows me to use the skills that I have and the experience that I have gained throughout my career. As a player, that's what you want, right? You want to be challenged and pushed to your limits and allowed to use your strength to help your team. "

But most of all, he is eager to write a new ending to the history of his career.

" I think there is still a lot of competitiveness in me, and I think there's a little bit of me that wants to prove that I can still play and make a difference, "said Cullen." And with that, my boys and Bridget are probably more competitive than me. They are in the same boat. They know what special situation we have in Pittsburgh. "

Jonathan Bombulie is a Tribune-Review writer, access him at [email protected] or via Twitter @BombulieTrib .

  Sidney Crosby and the wild Matt Cullen of the Penguins s 39 intermingle in the second period Thursday, January 25, 2018 at PPG Paints Arena.

Chaz Palla | Tribune-Review

The Penguins & # 39; Sidney Crosby & the Wild & Matt Cullen tangled in the second period Thursday, January 25, 2018 at PPG Paints Arena.

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  Matt Cullen faces Penguins player Jean-Sebastien Dea in the first period on Thursday, January 25, 2018 at PPG Paints Arena.

Chaz Palla | Tribune-Review

The wild Matt Cullen faces Jean-Sebastien Dea of ​​the Penguins in the first half on Thursday, January 25, 2018 at PPG Paints Arena.

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