Matteo Salvini punishes Elisa Isoardi, goodbye with an arrow: "Someone had other priorities"


"I loved, I forgave, I will surely have made mistakes but I believed it until the end." Too bad, someone had other priorities. Good life. "The comment everyone was expecting is somewhere between the nostalgic and the sarcastic: that of Matteo Salvini, who, at the end of the day, entrusts Instagram's farewells to the now ex-girlfriend Elisa Isoardi .

Isoardi-Salvini, the reporter says the dinner: "Matteo? He was in a good mood, he drank champagne and ate sushi "
Isoardi: "With Matteo, it's over two months ago." And explain who is the man who is always with her
Isoardi-Salvini, end of love. And he's going to have dinner with the journalist

On Instagram, where she had "started" with the picture that described them in an intimate moment chosen to announce the end of the relationship, accompanied by a romantic quote from the poet 2.0 Gio Evan. Instead, he responded almost casually: "A busy day of work in Africa on immigration and security, but the phone from Italy reminds me … – he writes on his profile – for education, character and respect that I have never thrown place my privacy, I will not start doing it now, the Italians are not interested.

The Italians, on the other hand, are interested, especially this phrase which seems to contain everything: the Deputy Prime Minister speaks of "pardon" (perhaps the presenter of La Prova del Cuoco last year was he a paparazzi all kissing another ??, he speaks of errors, but especially he launches a less veiled accusation to his ex: "someone had other priorities." That the relationship is completed by the choice of Salvini and Isoardi, with this romantic post, is trying to recover?

READ ALSO Who is Gio Evan, the musician and poet mentioned by Isoardi in the Salvini message of farewell?

According to Dagospia, the national Matteo got rid of some of Elisa's clothes a few days ago to send them back to the sender: a non-random gesture, even if, according to what the presenter told Chi, the story would already be completed since a few months.

Before leaving for Africa, he was particularly seen happy and carefree at the dinner: "champagne and sushi", as revealed Annalisa Chirico, a journalist at Il Foglio, who hastily pointed to his potential new flame. In short, it seems that the roses (at least Salvini) are completely faded.

Last updated: November 6 at 01:05. © RESERVED COPY

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