Max Holloway featherweight champion on the UFC 226


Featherweight champion Max Holloway was expelled from UFC 226.

Just two days before the event takes place, Holloway was forced out of his main co-main event where he had to face high-ranking candidate Brian Ortega Saturday night

<p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = " text "content =" Holloway's director confirmed the news on Wednesday after an initial statement issued to ESPN . "data-reactid =" 24 "> Holloway's director confirmed the new Wednesday after an initial statement at ESPN .

"Max's team and UFC staff noticed that Max was not normal since last week.He showed concussion symptoms even before that." he did not start losing weight and he was taken to the emergency room on Monday night, where they admitted it overnight.At the afternoon, but the symptoms continued.

"Max s & s Is beaten with his team to continue the fight. He showed some improvement over the next day, but still had obvious symptoms. After open workouts, he crashed and it was very difficult to wake up, when he did, he had blazing vision and speech disorders. He is now back in the emergency room for further tests.

Obviously, Holloway's health is what's most important, especially when he visits the emergency room for the second time this week

. the removal of the card or what will happen exactly with Ortega.

Given the proximity of the fight, it is unlikely that Ortega remains on the map.

For now, Holloway will continue to receive treatment while the UFC 226 go ahead with the main event, while heavyweight champion Stipe Miocic faces to Daniel Cormier Saturday night.

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