Megan Bassett has cancer. His daughter probably saw the signs before the diagnosis


A diagnosis of cancer is one of the most devastating episodes of his life. If the doctor then diagnoses a disease of this magnitude when you have children, or worse, a small child, the whole world seems to collapse on you. And that's exactly what happened to a very young mother named Megan, who lived her sad story with her only 22-month-old daughter. Shortly after realizing what it was, he observed photographs taken with the baby and noticed something unusual. Probably – said Megan – the first signs had already been detected by the girl before blaming the symptoms. Here is the story told recently by the newspaper Mirror

A huge mbad
According to reports from some foreign media, the young Megan – aged only 26 – appeared (almost suddenly) a huge mbad in the neck . The woman, with her family, was vacationing on a beach in Weston-super-Mare, a small town in England. The mother immediately worried about the incident and decided to talk to her doctor.

A Cancer
Unfortunately, after clinical tests, doctors could not give good news to Megan: she had a 4th stage Hodgkins lymphoma. Which means that it's already prevalent in the rest of the body (including the liver and lungs). "When the day came when we needed to be aware of the results, I was so scared that we arrived at the hospital before our appointment and we were called immediately – this was no good sign – a doctor was waiting for me.I felt like I was going to faint, i really can not remember what he had said before but all that I heard, it was that I had Hodgkins lymphoma, a cancer that required chemotherapy for the treatment.It seemed like everyone around me was collapsing and all that that I had in mind was my daughter Marnie, I needed to be strong for her, I had to feel good for her.The trip back from the hospital was confused, I I got into some kind of weird vertigo and hoped that I would wake up early and I would say it was just a bad nightmare, "says Megan on JustGiving. I was not thinking about how I could take care of a girl so energetic while I was chemo, I want to be the best mom that can exist with Marnie, but how can I do it while I'm out there? 39, try to fight cancer? Another one of my main concerns was how much I would be without my hair, I love my long hair and now it will be removed too, "says Megan sadly.

Following the bad news, Megan started to look at the pictures taken at the beach, and he focused, in particular, on a fact about a month before the diagnosis.Marnie was close to his mother and held his neck firmly to the place where the bump appeared shortly after.He had a strange expression on her face.As if she had noticed that there was something strange. "This picture was taken only a few hours before I found the lump. I find it really strange that she was holding my neck exactly where there was a lump with a worried expression on her face, it's like she was trying to make a small sign to me … "says Megan . [19659002] A comfort thanks to a blog
Megan decided to write a blog telling his story. His idea is to help all people in his situation to find the courage to cope with cancer. "I will continue to post to the blog during my chemotherapy treatment because I want to share my story and help to raise awareness." When I was diagnosed, I was constantly looking on the Internet for the experience of other people with chemotherapy and cancer in a way that gave me hope and comfort that you were not alone, so I want to do the same on my page. I want to document my battle for that I can also look back and remember that I am a stronger person than I ever thought I could, "Megan concludes, anyone who wants to help him cope with the costs of care health and all she needs to get a custom wig at her disposal can donate to her JustGiving page.

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