MEN AND WOMEN / Ida and Riccardo to stop following on social media


The indiscretion that the filming of Temptation Island 2018 was completed is now complete. As we already know, among the competing pairs of the reality TV show [VIDEO] Cbade 5, there was also Ida Platano and Riccardo Guarnieri . The two former protagonists of Men and Women reportedly decided to start their adventure on the island of temptations to test their relationship. Will they have succeeded? According to what stands out in Instagram, it seems that both had an incident along the way.

Ida burst into tears and Gemma the console

These days, the plans of the arrival of Gemma Galgani in the village where he was staying Ida Platano have spread on the web.

According to the newspapers and sites of Gossip the ex-girlfriend of Giorgio Manetti would have landed on the island of temptations at the request of the aircraft. In fact, in a photo, we could see the beautiful Ida crying on the beach and Gemma who spoke to him to try to console her. Therefore, it is badumed that there was a discrepancy between the two fiances. Another motivation that would really make viewers suspicious of Temptation Island, is the fact that the two would no longer follow on social networks. [VIDEO]

Riccardo and Ida Stopped Following on Instagram

Ida Platano Abolished Riccardo Profiles Followed on Instagram and vice versa. The current situation, for now, would only raise gossip about their likely breakup.

A factor which, added to the arrival of Gemma Galgani in the village of girlfriends, would leave little hope for those who believed in this relationship bloomed under the spotlight of men and women. In short, just see the first episode of Temptation Island 2018 to remove all doubts

Who are Ida and Riccardo

Ida Platano and Riccardo Guarnieri is a couple already known in the world of television. In fact, the two met during the last throne season on Men and Women . Ida is 37 years old, she is from Brescia, she is a hairdresser and mother of a 7 year old boy, while Riccardo is a worker who lives in Taranto. They were hired for just seven months and considering the distance, they decided to test their story. She claims to be very in love and at the same time jealous, and so wants to understand if Riccardo is the right person with whom to establish a more mature and stable relationship (also because he feels a great sense of responsibility towards his son). For his part, Guarnieri wants to prove to his girlfriend that his jealousy has no reason to exist.

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