Men and women | Nicolò Ferrari


By Fabio Morasca

The former suitor answered a few questions from fans on Instagram


Nicolò Ferrari participated in last edition distributed by Men and Women the program directed by Maria De Filippi who will return to Cbade 5 once the holidays have been completed

Nicolò, former protagonist of Riccanza broadcast on MTV, was not chosen by Nilufar Addati ; the latter, despite the "storm" that swept it immediately after the choice, because of a hidden agreement made with another suitor, not respected and brought to light, is still happily engaged with Giordano Mazzocchi the suitor who "won" the challenge with Nicolò

Even Nicolò, on Instagram is subject to questions from fans through the Instagram Stories and the sticker Ask me a question

The 24-year-old Milanese recalled his experience at Men and Women claiming that he did not want to go back. had not experienced all the experience and did not regret anything. Recall that during the episode of choice, Nicolò also let go to some tear for not being chosen by Nilufar.

The former suitor is also convinced that, thanks to Men and Women many overcame the prejudices against him:

I have fully experienced the l & # 39; experience. I have nothing to reproach myself, I have been correct and sincere from the first to the last second. I have received compliments but also several insults but at the end of the fair I am glad that many have changed opinion about me.

In recent months, Nicolò Ferrari has also been mentioned as a new tronista . Nicolò, however, does not even approach the hypothesis of a return to a suitor: [19659020] Never say never, I should be in the right state of mind, c & # 39; is such a strong sentimental experience. .. It should not be taken lightly.

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