Men and women, verbal confrontation between Sara Affi Fella and Luigi Mastroianni, accuse


Men and women, the interview of Sara Affi Fella and the statements of Luigi Mastroianni: reciprocal accusations between the two ex-boyfriends

  Men and women, accusations between Sara and Luigi

Men and women , anticipations, gossip and news – BitchyF photo

Men and women, verbal clash between Sara Affi Fella and Luigi Mastroianni, stealing accusations – The sentimental relationship between Sara Affi Fella and Luigi Mastroianni, protagonists of the last edition of Men and Women, it is now over for several days, but the break brings with it significant advances and media impact

Between the two, in fact, now raining harsh accusations. Sara Affi Fella, ex tronista of Men and Women published some statements at the microphones of the official magazine of the dating issue: " Luigi played dirty.The day before his interview, we Had heard and told us that he had made statements about our break up, but that they would not discredit me. The same day he told me that he was not going to be able to say anything. liked, wanted to keep a good relationship with me, write me or have a coffee together if necessary.I thought it was sincere.Instead, Thursday morning, I found myself reading a mountain of lies and bad things about me.I always washed my dirty clothes at home.The problems were created when Luigi saw that I was a person at the old and that I'm I needed to let myself go, he was too insecure but also very intelligent, Luigi laughed at me twice : the first when he told all these lies about me and the second when he told me on the phone to love me. Despite everything I have no regrets, I would choose it a thousand times again. It was he who finally wanted to write the word end. Love is another thing. Who does not like the mud of the person who stands by his side to get out of it well. He threw me to the lions. The truth is that Luigi was in a hurry to leave me. I am very disappointed. All that was unleashed on the internet is not beautiful and I think it is largely the fault of Luigi ". […]

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