Mercedesz Henger does not exclude his participation in another reality show


Mercedesz Henger's desire is to still work on television. In recent weeks, the daughter of Eva Henger and Riccardo Schicchi is at the center of the gossip thanks to his love story with the old tronista of U & D Lucas Peracchi . The latter, in addition to conquering the young, has also managed to hit his family and there is even talk of a possible cohabitation in the coming months.

Precisely for this reason that Mercedesz Henger and Lucas Peracchi ] could participate with the next edition of Temptation Island Vip . The young couple could indeed test their feelings in the first VIP edition conducted by Simona Ventura . The words published by Mercedesz ignited even more gossip

Mercedesz Henger, interviewed at the weekly "Vero" does not exclude any hypothesis for his in the televisual scene: "I will certainly continue to work with Barbara from Urso, there are also other projects at stake, such as reality shows for which I could try the auditions. what will happen … "

The option of" Temptation Island Vip "seems for the moment the most papabile, but it can not be ruled out that she will participate in the next edition of Big Brother Vip as well as Mbadimiliano Caroletti and Eva Henger, but it can not be excluded that in the end you can opt for their girl.

The girl seems to want to spend this summer just thinking about the her love story with Lucas Peracchi : "Lucas meeting definitely has changed my plans and my summer projects Until a while back, I thought I would spend this time traveling abroad, but I wanted to stay in Italy near him ". does not rule out, however, that in the next few weeks he may leave with the former tronista for Portugal or Spain .

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