"Migrants, he has no respect, he is not a sailor"


Andrea Camilleri is a river in flood. The empedoclino writer speaks to Repubblica TV. Salvini, the government and migrants. "I do not like how you deal with this emergency, to continue to play on the fear of the other is dangerous.I call on an old way of saying, that is sowing too much wind. sow the wind ends up gathering the storm ". These are the words of Andrea Camilleri. The writer admits: "Several years ago, Hungary sent me a parchment of thanks for saving Hungarians. I am tempted to send it back to Viktor Orban, saying that I was probably wrong. "

Andrea Camilleri launches a serious message to Matteo Salvini." He is not a man of the land, he does not know the sea. He would have more respect if he knew the sea of ​​those who are forced to embark on canoes intended for safe sinking. He, who is talking about children, does not try anything in front of the pictures of children sailing corpses on the sea? These are future offenders who have said, that God or whoever takes his place forgives him this word. At the age of 93, one step from death, I find myself leaving my nephews, an Italy that I did not expect. The old politicians were true and authentic. We rebuilt Italy, now we are tearing it apart. As an Italian, I have the impression of having failed. Pacchus is finished? Yes, I remember when Salvini said it. If the reception center of Lampedusa is a pacca. "Andrea Camilleri increases the dose, always attacking Salvini on the words addressed to Roberto Saviano." But are we aware? A minister of the interior who threatens a writer. Let's do an examination of conscience. This is a mafia attitude. "

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