Milan, a quarrel near a nightclub: the son of Simona Ventura and Stefano Bettarini were injured, 3 arrested


The son of Simona Ventura and Stefano Bettarini, 19, Niccolò Bettarini was wounded with a knife or wrist near a nightclub in the center of Milan. The young man was attacked when, after spending the evening at Old Fashion with friends, he left the club shortly after 5. Soccorso, he was admitted to the hospital of Niguarda. It is not life threatening. Italians arrested for 30 years

Bettarini, child loving the beloved art by social networks

The three, with a criminal record, were arrested in the district of. Affori, in front of the church of Santa Giustina.

lite and aggression – The quarrel that resulted in Bettarini's injury would begin in Old Fashion, where Simone Ventura's son would intervene to defend a friend, son of a military guard, attacked by other young people with whom he had quarreled a few weeks before.

Local bouncers reportedly let them out and one of the attackers reportedly threatened with a knife or punch, which would not have been found yet, Nicolò's friend interposed receiving nine shots, in various parts of the body. The boy was suffering, in particular, from a sore tendon of one hand but his condition did not bother him.

A friend: "They were animals" – The boy's friends were heard by agents of the mobile team and the steering wheel of the Milan police headquarters. One of them said that the attackers who hit Niccolò were animals

Simona Ventura: "Fortunately, Niccolò is out of danger" – "Last night, the call Phone has arrived that no mother would ever want to receive … Niccolò's luck is out of danger. " So the TV presenter Simona Ventura after the attack of his son in the night in Milan.

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