Milan, drama at the Bonalumi exhibition: the student falls from the stairs while he sets up a job and dies


A few hours before the tragedy, he smiled and joked with the workers carrying boxes and climbing the stairs of the Palazzo Reale. He could have told any younger badistant to ride on this ladder. But Luca Lovati, 69, of Milan, was the historical badistant and student of the "maestro", and he was busy with some details in person. Fate took him by doing what he loved most. The man, restorer, for a life right arm of the painter Agostino Bonalumi, one of the protagonists of Italian art of the twentieth century, died at the Policlinico after falling from a height from at least 3 meters in one of the rooms of the first floor Reale di Milano, in front of the Duomo, symbolic place of art of the Lombardy capital

The help of sanitary and carabinieri is useless, as well as the ride to the hospital on Monday at noon. Lovati, who would have made 70 in a month, was holding the exhibition dedicated to the artist born in Brianza in 1935, and disappeared in 2013. Kermesse that should have opened to the public Friday, July 13 , but the drama, accompanied by usual chorus of controversy and demonstrations of condolences, caused the stopping of all the exhibitions next to the inauguration.

This will be the investigation coordinated by the Deputy Prosecutor Tiziana Siciliano to establish the causes of the death of the man and the possible responsibilities. The scene would have been entirely occupied by the cameras installed in the rooms of the Palace. The most reliable hypothesis is that Lovati, shortly after 11:30 am on Monday, has been diagnosed with an illness (the autopsy will clarify), descending on a double scale, with a longer side than the other. another, on which he was without protectors and harnesses to fix a sculpture. He allegedly suffered a physical breakdown, dipping head down from a height of at least three meters, without even attempting to cushion the fall in any way.

The rescuers of the 118, who interacted with the Carabinieri of the radio unit and the company Duomo, found him unconscious on the ground, near a splash of visible blood. Policlinico's doctors could do nothing but notice the death. The prosecutor's office, which investigates unknown persons, speculates on the crime of culpable homicide. It should be clarified whether Lovati has been authorized to intervene personally and that all safety standards have been met.

Other incredulous workers, who worked in adjoining rooms: "This morning we laughed together, he was a friendly person, we could see that he was a man who loved to work and did not back down. " A few hours after the tragedy, the comment was forwarded by Mayor Beppe Sala via Twitter: "I learned the news with great pain. As a sign of condolence, I asked to postpone the inauguration of the exhibition devoted to Pino Pinelli, scheduled for tonight (yesterday, ndr ) ".

The minister cultural heritage Alberto Bonisoli would be "deeply pained"; Palazzo Marino speaks in a note of "serious accident". The CGIL Lombardia recalled that "from January to May 2018, the largest number of victims at work is registered in Lombardy.We are at 40. It is a mbadacre that must be stopped". ICFTU Secretary General Anna Maria Furlan spoke of a "terrifying" affair, calling it "absurd" that a "70-year-old person is working without any protection" .

July 10, 2018 | 07:30


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