Mimmo Lucano guest of Fabio Fazio in "Che Tempo Che Fa"


Mimmo Lucano, the now-famous Mayor of Riace, will be a guest of the episode of Sunday, October 21 of the broadcast of Fabio Fazio, What time is it. The lawyers of the mayor of the Calabrian town, who made the headlines to be the subject of an investigation for fraud in the accounts of the State and the European Union and for corruption, gave a positive opinion to the interview. The program was announced by Rai and its programming was sent to the editors.

Lucan's possible presence on Fazio's television program had been denounced by Lega parliamentarians who had warned against the ideological exploitation of public television by the RAI's supervisory commission. "Public television can not disclose distorted models of the wave of ideological exploitation", said the parliamentarians of the Northern League in a statement.

" NOTDespite the revocation under house arrest, it is clear that Lucan is accused of violating the civil, administrative and criminal provisions in matters of reception. We therefore ask that Fazio do not call the mayor in transmission", concluded the parliamentarians of Carroccio, but apparently, Fazio decided to shoot.

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