Mindfulness and Anxiety Disorders: Application and Potential Benefits


Patients with anxiety disorders can benefit, psychologically and physiologically, from the practice of full consciousness even after a single session of exercise.

Giovanni Belmonte [19659003]

Commercial The term Attention refers to a way of getting in touch, exploring and understanding one's own mental content, allowing for Observe and describe his inner experience without judging it, correct it, modify it. In other words, full consciousness allows one to be aware of one's own mental states, one's own thoughts, favoring in people the acquisition of a greater degree of self-knowledge.

Why is attention important? 19659007] Often people ignore their mental content and this leads them to be pbadive victims of dysfunctional cognitive strategies, such as rumination and rumination, or even negative internal dialogues or self-invalidating thoughts. An example of a phrase often used when such cognitive modalities are put in place might be: "I can not stop thinking about …"

Regarding dysfunctional cognitive strategies, it is important to distinguish:

  • Rumination: refers to repetitive thoughts directed towards past events for which people seek explanations and answers, and is often badociated with major depressive disorder
  • Leader: refers to repetitive thoughts directed to future events, to predict negative consequences. This type of repetitive thinking is often badociated with Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders and Anxiety

Compared to Anxiety Disorders New Research have put into evidence that patients with anxiety disorders can benefit from the practice of mindfulness even after a single session

Advertisement   NETWORK CLINIC Specifically, the researchers recruited fourteen participants who presented high levels of anxiety in order to submit them to a guided session of mindfulness of a duration of 60 minutes, in the participants were helped to focus on breathing and to raise awareness of their own thoughts

The results of the research e have shown that even a short intervention of [1945900] 4] full consciousness can produce measurable improvements in people suffering from anxiety disorders . In particular, the researchers found a clear reduction in anxiety that was measured one hour after the meditation session. Durocher, lead author of the study, argues that:

Most participants reported continuing to use the practices of mindfulness, even after the session; moreover, their levels of anxiety had decreased considerably, even at one week of the session.

Subject: Psychology
They are mentioned in the text: Durocher John

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  • Durocher, J., Marti , H., Morin, B., Wakeham T. (2018). Mindfulness meditation in one sitting reduces aortic pulsatile load and anxiety in moderately anxious adults. Experimental Biology Retrieved 1 July 2018.
  • Livesley, J.W., Dimaggio, G., Clarkin, J.F. (2017). Integrated treatment for personality disorders. A Modular Approach Cortina Raffaello
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