Miracle in Noto, the Sicilian country is preparing for the wedding of Ferragnez


Music, party, dream, a big wheel that illuminates the night (as in the wedding invitation), the matrimonio of Chiara Ferragni and Federico Lucia (Fedez) will be, with many friends (we are talking about 400 people), a three day feast to celebrate a great love. Meta: Noto the small Sicilian town of Baroque, which for the followers of the influence has become in a moment "the place where one must be". Why did they choose? It is said for the beauty, which is in fact irrefutable. Noto is a shining stone hug the color of the sun, clear in the morning, amber in the evening

He is small, true but elitist and above all it is a kind city

And to say that there are some years was forgotten mistreated by Italian negligence . "capital of the Sicilian baroque" rebirth of the earthquake that demolished it completely in 1693, rebuilt a little further south, a little closer to the sea (it is only 7 kilometers) in what was once the competition in wealth, the palace in the construction, the church in the church, with the heart in the cathedral, majestic, so bright that it seems gilded . From the San Carlo suite, one of the elegant boutique hotels born in the city, you see it right in front of you, handsome.

But what will happen to Noto for the wedding from September 31 to September 2? And what do you think of the city?
"You must know it …" says Luca, the (beautiful) owner of the touristic agency Tourné, 40 years old, laughing " La Ferragni brought back silence in Sicily … Do you think that in a city of 24,000 people where you still think of something, everyone already knows, now nobody knows anything about marriage? The truth is, you do not want to unbutton … " In the country, it is said that many have signed a contract that provides for a penalty of € 15,000 for those who fight any matter . So everyone knows it but nobody says it, they wait for you to understand it by yourself.

Let's go get some evidence. Under a total heat that does not believe in the existence of winter, we set off through a campaign of gentle and arid hills, almost essential Mediterranean essence. Only here a year ago opened a beautiful but not very famous hotel, the Dimora delle Balze ( above and in the gallery ), an old farmhouse from the late eighteenth century from which He sees only this nature lasts. It has 10 rooms, a blue pool as the sea, with a large veranda for dinner with the moon and stars lit by dozens of lanterns, gazebos under which some guests can enjoy peace. The interiors, furnished by the interior architect Draga Obradovic with Stefano Guidotti, add without intrusion, they carry it without fail.

At the hotel, the person in charge of the event with whom we have an appointment seems to have been detained by an absence that almost confirms … Is this where the reception will take place? The direct question ends with an elegant "no comment", but it must be said: it is undoubtedly the ideal place for a wedding, a party and even a promise, the Ferragnez is he crazy not to do it here? As soon as we leave the hotel, we try to book a room on the reservation at Dimora for one of the days: strange, it is complete .

The Dimora delle Balze is just one of the places that rebuild the identity of this place, not only touristy but economical. When the cathedral's dome collapsed in 1996, Noto woke up in a city in decline, forgotten by the world. The usual tragi-comedy in history, however, wanted the dramatic collapse to be the keystone of a rediscovery, new investment, and renewed attention that made me want to return to take care of us, up to the recognition of the Valley of Known as World Heritage of Unesco .

"The cathedral was part of this renaissance" says the Bishop of Noto Monseigneur Antonio Staglianó speaking of the concept of 'difficult beauty', the form that leads to the substance , the art that leads to the concept: "Like music" says sitting on the fluffy couch in purple brocade in the corridors of the episcopium. This is his pop-teology which led him to compose a play for Fedez "It's a rap," he says . He speaks of the importance of beauty, which is the interior, which is the love … ". We listen together from his cell phone. He comments: "I am not entirely convinced of the arrangement, so Fedez will see if he wants to use it, I will give it to him …"

Photo: Instagram Chiara Ferragni [19659013Ofcourse the marriage Ferragni-Fedez is accompanied by great auspices and – despite the alleged "omertà" – the truth is that in one way or another they all talk about it .

A group of gentlemen surveyed next to the municipality after initial reluctance begins to discuss whether it is good to put the wheel. It is she, the "Ferris wheel" that enters the most in the urban collective imagination . "It will be a big party – says a girl who will be around 13 years old, has a Hard Rock Cafe Ibiza t-shirt – it will be like being in California!" Someone else tells me that it is clear to everyone how impossible it is to put the wheel because "They have not noticed that everything is sloping here" ? The mayor also comments: "I am inhabited to stick to acts and for the moment the acts do not speak of a wheel ". "For now," he said with a slight smile, or did we see him?

Some say that Chiara and Fedez rented an Alitalia plane for their friends; others worry about security measures; Many are happy that the world is discovering what they already know to be a wonderful city. Giovanni about 30 years old, handsome, cultured and elegant, says that according to him "Chiara Ferragni decided to come here because the color of the stone brings out the complexion and for the selfie it is the best ". Paul a faithful of St. Conrad, met in prayer in front of the chapel of the most "powerful" saint of the city, says: "They (19459010) Ferragni and Fedez ) are very intelligent of have chosen I notice, because they will have his blessing … "and he shows the statue with eyes moved

Then there are two old men at the bar who ask the question " Do you know the marriage of Ferragni and Fedez? They must understand exactly what the question is, whether they should answer, and if so, what they should say, then choose silence. There are those (Michele, videomaker of 35 years): "Nun mm" anteressa nenti " ( it is the third version, the first one had more Sicilian terms, ndr ), and there are also those (anonymous, still in the world of culture, always on the 35) who say: "Chiara Ferragni is the proof that Umberto Eco was right and that now everyone can tell everything and become famous without being understood ". And that "we should focus on culture and higher tourism".

That the city points to the top is definitely a fact . The last 10 years have been revolutionary, almost miraculous. The first entrepreneurs were brave, like Cristina Summa, a native of Turin who chose to return to the city, to renovate an old building and to open the first boutique hotel of only seven rooms, the Seven Rooms Villadorata furnished reinventing a baroque style in minimal form. "For the first season, 9 years ago, we sold only 48 nights from April to November," says Cristina. The experiment has however succeeded: today, the hotels of charm follow one another with style, from Gagliardi to San Carlo Suites opened only one year by Riccardo Grbadi owner of the Milan fashion showroom, with two friends and netini entrepreneurs

In the city the young emigrants come back and new inhabitants arrive: Jean-Louis Remilleux tycoon of French television and patron, he opened to the public a wing of his house of one thousand and one nights – Palazzo Castelluccio – restored and furnished with original pieces from the end of & # 39; 700 (including a Napoleon's brother's bed); two other names in Milanese fashion, Valerio Innella and Edoardo Marchiori open Casa Scianna a hotel-hotel in the heart of the most authentic Noto. In the city everything changes: there are galleries of contemporary art, clbadical music and jazz festivals, concerts on the square (just after Vinicio Capossela) and this month of August will return " Giacinto" The LGBT Rights Festival last year he brought Eva Grimaldi and Alessandro Cecchi Paone here.

There is a traditional cuisine to touch (the pastry of Corrado Assenza to Caffè Sicilia has just become cult on Netflix), contemporani restaurants, like the elegant cuisine of Marco Baglieri of Crucifix and places decidedly unexpected as the restaurant-concept store Also the Angels . Speaking of Chiara Ferragni, local chef Giovanni Trombatore tells that it all started here : "One day, I see a beautiful woman arrive from the kitchen, with an endless row behind her. And I say, who is he? This is Chiara Ferragni ".

She recounts that she came and was found at the restaurant (with mom, with friends, but never with Fedez), who is kind like a normal girl, that the city was crazy and she liked it " sardines lollipops" breaded with tomato and fries, we make them together in the kitchen and yes they are very good. Will there be an aperitif here during the 3 days of celebration? We can not say, but probably yes.

Photo: Instagram Chiara Ferragn


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