Moda. Death Carlo Benetton, younger brother of the Venetian dynasty


He was 74 years old

The company – which brought incomparable Italian style to the world – was founded in 1965 in Ponzano Veneto, province of Treviso, as well as by Carlo, Luciano, Gilberto, Giuliana. In the same year, the first store in Belluno was inaugurated. In 1969 the Parisian store is inaugurated


Carlo Benetton, the youngest of the four brothers (the others are Luciano, Giuliana, Gilberto), founders of the age of 74 , dies at the age of 74 years old homonymous Italian clothing company. He had been suffering from cancer for a long time: Carlo Benetton, who lived in Treviso, left four children and was president of the Maccarese di Fiumicino (Rome) who took care of the cattle. The company was founded in the 1930s at the time of the claim, then acquired and restructured by Edizione Holding of the Benetton Group in 1998, as part of the privatization program launched by the government.

Benetton was struck six months ago with a serious illness. But he had resisted stoically and had shown no sign of subsidence, continuing to follow the restructuring of the agricultural estate of Piana di Monte Verna (Caserta), registered 12 years ago. In recent months, in particular, Carlo Benetton had followed the restoration of the Fagianeria of the Bourbon era, recalls the last important piece – reminds the CEO of Cirio Agricola – of a painstaking reorganization work. company that had always seen him protagonist. [19659005] The story of one of the giants of Italian fashion
The company was founded in 1965 in Ponzano Veneto, in the province of Treviso, by Luciano, Gilberto, Giuliana and Carlo Benetton. In the same year, the first store in Belluno was inaugurated. In 1969, the first overseas store was inaugurated in Paris and, in 1972, the brand "Jean's West" was launched, while in 1974, the Sisley brand was acquired. At the end of the seventies, the company exported 60% of its production.

The 1980s opened stores in New York and Tokyo. Then the stock exchange listing
In the eighties, the first store was opened in New York on Madison Avenue (1980) and two years later in Tokyo. The sponsorship of a Formula 1 team, the Tyrrell, began in 1986, and three years later, thanks to the acquisition of Toleman, a team is formed, Formula Benetton which will be acquired in 2000 by Renault. At the end of the 1980s, the Group was listed on the stock exchanges of Milan, Frankfurt and New York, and in 1987, the Benetton Studi Ricerche Foundation was created and the Carlo Scarpa International Prize was created

1994 born Fabrica & # 39;
founded "Fabrica" ​​in 1994, a communication research center at the initiative of Luciano Benetton and Oliviero Toscani, based at Villa Pastega Manera in Catena di Villorba (Treviso), in the restored and expanded complex by Tadao Ando. The publication of Colors, a magazine in three bilingual editions – English, Italian, French and Spanish – is also part of Fabrica's activities. In 2003, the Benetton family announced that it would gradually withdraw from the direct management of the company, leaving room for executives outside the family.

The relocation of production facilities has led to the closing of many factories in Italy, such as Cbadano Magnago. In 2006, the first franchise store opened in Florence was closed in 1968.

In 2011, Gilberto Benetton announced the intention of the family to limit the involvement in the sport to only the rugby and rugby sectors. of the youth, abandoning the following year the professional players of basketball and volleyball, winners of the Italian and international titles

2012 the company returns to the private control
In May 2012, it was removed from the Stock Exchange from Milan, returning to private control. In May 2013, exactly ten years after the announcement of Luciano Benetton ("Return of the family, more power for the managers"), the pbadage is over and, at the board of directors, the four Benetton brothers give way to their sons Alessandro a few years on the board of directors and, since April 2012, chairman of the group Benetton), Franca Bertagnin, Sabrina and Christian Benetton. In May 2014, Alessandro Benetton left the company presidency and, in November 2016, he also left the board of directors for strategic divergences with his family. Francesco Gori was appointed to the presidency, while Tommaso Brusò was appointed director of operations in May 2017.

2015 – Benetton Group & # 39; in three & # 39;
In early 2015, a series of spin-offs and splits, the three-year program that involves the organization of the Benetton Group in three distinct realities: one focused directly on different brands (Benetton Group) , a manufacturing company (Olimpias) and another on property management (Schematrentanove). ]

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