Monte Urano, hit by an insect, is infected with West Nile virus


A forty-year-old Monturanese (19459003) (19459004) (in the Marche region of Fermo province) was stung by an insect and began to show a strong feeling of exhaustion and visible redness. from the toe area. . After being in the emergency room, he was diagnosed with West Nile Virus Disease ( West Nile Virus ); will have to recover from anemia and renal failure . The next day, the allergy department confirmed the diagnosis. Fortunately, the man managed to save himself but the deaths are not rare.

This new disease [VIDEO] began to spread more and more over our territory and thanks to the torrid climate that allows the proliferation of mosquitoes the danger of contagion increases.

Since Africa, viruses find fertile ground in Italy and since there is no vaccine capable of preparing the immune system, we rely on post-infection care. We are rediscovering viruses that are often imported by small animals / parasites that are deposited in means of transport such as ships, planes and containers. It is indeed indeed that the tiger mosquito has arrived in Italy, today perfectly integrated into our habitat. West Nile Fever is a viral disease caused by West Nile Virus (West Nile Virus) ; In West Nile (Uganda) there was news for the first time in 1937 when the disease was diagnosed in a woman suffering from a high fever. From the African continent, spread is also widespread in the rest of the world, including Italy where each year cases of contagion increase that inhibit donations of blood in the places concerned for precautionary purposes.


West Nile virus [19659004] is usually transmitted by mosquito bites but can also be transmitted by other parasites . Infections occur more during the summer because of the greater presence of these "disease carriers". Nile fever can affect not only humans, but also animals, particularly migratory birds, which are responsible for spreading the virus around the world.


We are in 2018 and unfortunately there is no specific treatment can reduce the possibility of infection while drugs are usually used to relieve typical symptoms of the disease. The research continues to try to develop a vaccine capable of fighting this dangerous virus.

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