Moric against Belen: at the Milan court via the libel trial

Exchange of greetings and kisses at the entrance of the courthouse, then start of the proceedings for defamation against the old model Croatian

Uno exchange greetings and kisses, then each with his lawyers to start the legal battle. Nina Moric and Belen Rodriguez arrived this morning at the Milan courthouse, followed by cameras, photographers and journalists, to participate in the trial against the Croatian model, accused of aggravated defamation against the Argentine showgirl. Today 's hearing, before the judge of the tenth criminal section, is devoted to listening to the texts of the prosecutor and the defense: the accused Moric is badisted by lawyer Solange Marchignoli and the civil party, Belen Rodriguez, by the lawyer Andrea Righi.

Milan, exchange of kisses between Belen and Moric before the court before the trial for defamation

Everything was born in September of 3 years: at the time of the radio show "The mosquito" Moric had defined the old rival lover of the epithets of the tenor of "bad witch" and "viado". "It's not a nice person as people believe it," he added. Heavy words, these words pronounced by the Croatian model against the other "ex" historical by Fabrizio Corona. Moric also accuses Belen of turning "naked" to return home in front of her son Carlos, born of his marriage with Corona, who will remain marked by these incidents.

The trial, originally scheduled for last February, April, immediately had two references: the first last April