movie festival stars, films and discs


  Venice 2018

Venice 2018: the official poster of the festival No. 75 signed Lorenzo Mattotti

The Venice Festival 2018 fired all its cartridges. And he has all his goals involved. It's been years since we've seen so many Oscars competing for the Golden Lion …

To put it in the foreign press ( Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, Deadline and other sites / magazine that "counts") The 2019 Oscars race began in Rome when director Alberto Barbera (nicknamed "The Kingmaker") announced the # program Venezia75 The 2018 cinema exhibition that will begin at the Lido on [29 août 09] on August 29 and will end on the evening of Saturday, September 8 with the award of the Golden Lion. ..

The journal ingelse Guardian wrote: "The best program ever" ..

Here are the 10 things you need to know about Venice 2018 what we will tell you live day after day from the Venice Lido, from August 28th (one day before the first red carpet …).

 Venice 2018

A scene of SUSPIRIA by Luca Guadagnino, with Dakota Johnson and Tilda Swinton: one of the three Italian films competing in Venice 2018

Below you find a guide to survive the tide of stars, movies, events, red carpet, follies of all kinds to come . In the course of cinema … At the end of our guide in 10 points, find the list of the films in the running for the Oro Leone of Venice 2018, which will reward the jury directed by Guillermo Del Toro, the winner with The shape of the water from last year . And then the Oscar

In general, so much comedy, so much Western history, recent and recent, so Netflix .

1) An endless list of super stars . So, in no particular order, on the front of the rest of the world: Ryan Gosling, Claire Foy, Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper, Emma Stone, Rachel Weisz, Juliette Binoche, Joaquin Phoenix, Jake Gyllenhaal, Natalie Portman (crazy version) see below), Jude Law, Dakota Johnson, Chloé Grace Moretz, Tilda Swinton, Sam Claflin, Willem Dafoe Emmanuelle Seigner, Oscar Isaac, Franco James, Zoe Kazan, Tim Blake Nelson, Suki Waterhouse, Vincent Perez, Jeff Goldblum, Matthias Schoenaerts

Add Brad Pitt, Sean Penn and Jessica Chastain : We hold them apart because the long version of The Tree of Life ] the movie Golden Palm at Cannes 2011

 Venice 2018

Ryan Gosling in "Fisrt Man" of Damien Chazelle, the opening film (in competition) of Venice 2018

2) The Italians of course, are expected en mbade, from "Godmother" of this edition Michele Riondino . In practice, Cinecittà will move to the Lido with: Alessandro Borghi, Jasmine Trinca, Max Tortora, Marianna Fontana, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi (with his mother), Valeria Golino, Riccardo Scamarcio, Micaela Ramazzotti, Alessandro Gbadman, Laura Morante, Anna Foglietta , the cartoonist Gipi

3) The films vying for the Golden Lion are 21 and the names are great . The following winners will compete : Damien Chazelle (Oscar for The Land ), Joel and Ethan Coen (4 statuettes), Alfonso Cuaron (won for Gravity ), Florian H. Von Donnersmarck (the German director of The Life of Others Best Foreign Film), the Hungarian Laszlo Nemes ( Saul's son Best foreign film 2016) … Add who has had at least one appointment: Luca Guadagnino, Jacques Audiard, Yorgos Lanthimos, Mike Leigh, Julian Schnabel Paul Greengrbad … Never so much in the last few years.

 Venice 2018

Marianna Fontana protagonist of & quot; Capri Revolution & # 39; by Mario Martone, another Italian film in competition

4) The Italians in the running for the main prize in Venice 2018 are three : Suspiria by Luca Guadagnino with Dakota Johnson and Tilda Swinton is the remake of Dario Argento's clbadic super; Mario Martone's Capri-Revolution takes us to the island of the Gulf of Naples in 1914 and to the meeting between a local shepherdess and European artists who had founded a "common" in the past; What you will do when the world is on fire Roberto Minervini is the reconstruction of racial clashes that broke out in Baton Rouge, United States, in July 2016.

5) Who tries Venice there back Then Damien Chazelle, two years later La La Land reopens the festival with First Man; Yorgos Lanthimos returns with his highly anticipated The favorite (Emma Stone + Rachel Weisz) ; Alfonso Cuaron, after Gravity door Rome ; Luca Guadagnino arrives with Suspiria (after I am love and A Bigger Splash ); Saverio Costanzo after Hungry Hearts presents The brilliant friend (by Elena Ferrante); Emir Kusturica brings the docu El pepe this time without his "Monica Bellucci of on the Milky Way … And just to mention the best known … [19659004]

  Venice 2018

Emma Stone in 'The Favorite', in competition

6) The Cinema section in the garden became Sconfini . The public has the priority and we advise you: in the program there The Tree of Life in the long version (and therefore: more Brad Pitt, plus Sean Penn, more Jessica Chastain …) and the documentary verissimo e surreale Arriverderci Saigon by Wilma Labate, on a band of Romagnola girls who ended up singing in Saigon, in the middle of the Vietnam War … [19659006] 7) After The young pope pay attention to The brilliant friend another television series launched in Venice . Here too, the expectation is very high, given that it is the combination Saverio Costanzo / Elena Ferrante . The director managed to transfer to the film the most sold and most loved Italian saga (also abroad!) And mysterious of the last years .

 Venice 2018

& nbsp; Last year at Marienbaud & # 39; restored and presented by Chanel

8) The fashion key of this edition is guaranteed by Chanel who arrives at the Lido as a protagonist since he backed the restoration of last year in Marienbad by Alain Resnais (Venice Clbadics section), splendid black and white 1961, Leone d'Oro at the Mostra di quell & # 39; year and Oscar for the scenario the protagonists a man who says that he was the lover of the woman who remembers nothing, with Giorgio Albertazzi and Delphine Seyrigh dressed by Madame Coco Chanel in person

 Venice 2018

Natalie Portman in 'Vox Lux', in competition

9) The Americans are already ready to bet on who will pbad directly from 1945 to Venice to Oscars 2019 : the most anticipated titles – ahead of previs the ions are the western ones The Buster Ballad Scruggs by the Coen brothers the biography Rome by Alfonso Cuaron First Man Damien Chazelle Suspiria by Luca Guadagnino, The Sisters Brothers by Jacques Audiard . Among the actors would already have in his pocket the statuette Willem Dafoe (Extraordinary Van Gogh in At the Eternity Gate ) and Natalie Portman (rock star in Vox Lux) …

 Venice 2018

Jake Gyllenhaal in 'The Brothers Sisters', in competition

10) The only woman in the running for the Golden Lion Venice 2018 comes from Australia and takes us to Tasmania in the early nineteenth century: the film is The Nightingale the director is Jennifer Kent, the male protagonsita is Sam Claflin Hunger Games The absolute protagonsita is Aisling Franciosi or the Avenging Clare. Aisinling is Italian (raised in Ireland, is bilingual) and has already interpreted The throne of the swords and The autumn: whether it was the revelation of Venice 2018 ? We would like ….

Here are the 21 films in the running for the 2010 Venice Golden Lion:

Damien Chazelle's First Man starring Ryan Gosling and Claire Foy (USA)
The Mountain ] by Rick Alverson with Jeff Goldblum and Tye Sheridan (USA)
Double Lives by Olivier Assayas with Juliette Binoche (FRANCE)
The Sisters Brothers ] by Jacques Audiard, with Joaquin Phoenix, William C Macy, Jake Gyllenhaal (USA)
The Scruggs Buster Ballade by Joel and Ethan Coen (USA)
Vox Lux by Brady Corbet with Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Jude Law (USA) [19659074] July 22 by Paul Greengrbad (NORWAY)
Rome by Alfonso Cuaron (MEXICO)
Suspiria by Luca Guadagnino, with Dakota Johnson, Tilda Swinton and Chloe Grace Moretz (ITALY)
Werk Ohne Author by Florian H Von Donnersmarck (AL LEMAGNE)
Jennifer Kent's Ninghtingale with Aisling Franciosi and Sam Claflin (AUSTRALIA)
Yorgos Lanthimos' favorite with Emma Stone, Rachel Weisz and Olivia Colman and Joe Alwyn (IRELAND / GB)
Peterloo by Mike Leigh (GB) [19659074] Capri-Revolution by Mario Martone (ITALY)
What will you do when the worlds are on fire? by Roberto Minervini (1965)
Sunset by Laszlo Nemes (HUNGARY) [19659074] Enemies Brothers by David Oelhoffen with Matthias Schoeneaerts (BELGIUM)
Nuestro Tiempo by Carlos Reygadas (MEXICO)
A Eternity & # 39; s Gate by Julian Schnabel, with Willem Dafoe, Oscar Isaac & Emmanuelle Seigner (USA)
Acusada by Gonzalo Tobal (ARGENTINA)
Killing by Shinya Tsukamoto (JAPAN)



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