"My Piero world in the TV screen" – Targatocn.it


The conductor of piquant and witty irony was told to the audience of the Collisioni Festival this morning in Barolo, in a climate full of sympathy and curious anecdotes.

From the dawn of his career and his beginnings in quality

"I watched a lot of television," he says, "I built a Piero world that I later brought back on the screen. "

Place where" it is very important to focus on the details: television is a tarot, everyone claims to say one thing while in reality they think another ", Continued the born in Turin

" When I started, in the 80s / 90s, I tried to create a process of identification peculiar to children. So television was born, with a sofa in the middle of a place and people stopped by sarcastic and teasing expedients. "

Gimmicks who allowed him to discover that even ordinary people, having lived during for decades close contact c on television, she could become the protagonist herself

An intuition that then characterizes the greatest successes of her career

Started in a rather paradoxical way: "I presented myself for an audience preliminary to the Turin Rai in his underwear, in the firm conviction to continue my rebellion in power, "recalls Chiambretti.

"Driving in another room, I spoke a quarter of an hour of unnecessary things: after spending several auditions, I started doing television on the street, filled with life, and I stayed there ten years. " Thus marks the beginning of a ten-year credibility

which also derives from the strong will, finally, to "highlight all that is not seen: canonical interviews do not m & # 39; not interested, and this aspect is always present, "with the intention of avoiding creeping normalization.

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