Nadia Toffa returns to reassure her fans


Nadia Toffa returns to show her beautiful smile on social media through a photograph published on Instagram which represents her in the streets of Milan. Millions of fans have not hesitated for a moment, following the sanitary situation of the host of "The Hyenas" with apprehension, responding, with tastes and sharing, expressing all their affection also with many messages d & # 39; hope. Accompanying the shooting is a legend where the Toffa expresses her joy to be pretty for herself.

The journalist continues to fight with all her might against the terrible disease that afflicts still with a smile on her lips; During these months, various messages and shots were posted on the social networks that show her, even though she obviously lost weight, always with a cheerful expression, always ready to joke and to minimize her precarious health [19659003]. The Disease and Fear of the Fans

It was the month of December of last year when the reporter was struck by an illness while she was about to prepare a service in the city of Trieste. The news at this time was still fragmentary and the concern for the health conditions [VIDEO] of the Toffa was growing; however, Nadia seemed to recover almost immediately, rebaduring all her admirers. It's only in February of this year, during the broadcast of an episode of the transmission "The Hyenas", the woman admitted to having a tumor.

The blonde Lombard, who has not yet fully healed, said that she had first undergone a surgery that completely eliminated the tumor and then started the cycles of chemotherapy and radiotherapy to prevent the presence of another sick cell

False news about the death of the host

side support Nadia Toffa there is inestimable affection of the fans, of the Other there is the inevitable cynicism of the enemies who did not delay to divulge among the various social networks false news ; the most shameful was a fake screenshot of a page from where announcing the presenter's death; was the same Toffa to respond to this hoax in a bad taste with a post on Twitter

To spread false and unfounded news we also thought Wikipedia that during the period in which the journalist found in Trieste and had been struck by the first diseases, had announced the death of Toffa on the page of the online encyclopedia dedicated to him. Error easily corrected.

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