Nancy Coppola is pregnant: the announcement of the neomelodic singer


  nancy coppola pregnancy Nancy pregnant Coppola: the neomelodic singer expects her second child

Nancy Coppola is pregnant she herself was known a few minutes ago on Instagram. The announcement of the happy event, specifically, the former competitor of I alone Famous did display on his profile the result of his pregnancy test . According to Nancy in person, therefore, the date of conception dates back to two / three weeks. At the end of this pregnancy Nancy will give birth to her second child. A happy moment for the Neapolitan woman who, after the death of her stepfather, smiles today with life and hope.

Nancy Coppola announces her pregnancy on social networks: "My heavenly father-in-law offered me this gift" [19659004] "I n every pain there is always a joy … you can not not believe how much happiness this morning My father-in-law gave me this gift … My family grows up " these are the words used today by Nancy Coppola ] to announce his pregnancy The pain of which the singer speaks concerns the sudden loss of a loved one.In fact, less than twenty-one hours ago, a tragic event hit the family of Nancy [19659004] or the death of her stepfather.Now, however, after a gloomy moment, the sun comes back to shine for her and her husband .. Happy Birthday!

Nancy Coppola: all about the old shipwrecked singer of The Island of the Famous

Nancy Coppola is known to the small viewers especially for its participation on the Island of Famous. As a neomelodic singer, she is also very appreciated by the Neapolitan public, who has always followed and supported her music. The experience of television thus allowed Nancy to make us known by a larger number of people. After reality, in fact, he returned to devote himself to his music, making several evenings in Campania and beyond.

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