Neal signs a five-year contract with Flames


James Neal signed a $ 28.75 million five-year contract with the Calgary Flames on Monday. It has an average annual value of $ 5.75 million

The 31-year-old striker has collected 44 points (25 goals, 19 badists) in 71 games with the Vegas Golden Knights last season. He scored the first goal in the history of the Golden Knights and the winning goal in each of their first three games.

He had 11 points (six goals, five badists) in 20 Stanley Cup playoff games last season. the Stanley Cup final, which they lost to the Washington Capitals in five games.

[LICENSEE: NHL Free Agent Tracker | Neal's signature fantasy ]

Neal also played with the Nashville Predators in the 2016 final, won by the Pittsburgh Penguins in six games.

me, I want to win, "said Neal." I've been very close in recent years to winning a Stanley Cup, once you have a taste, you want more, we have very good guardians in [Mike Smith] and we have good guys in front and a good body [defense] I think we are really close to victory, and for me I hope I can be that little piece that they missed "

The Flames were 37-35-10 last season, 11 points behind the Colorado Avalanche for the second wild card in the playoffs of the Western Conference. Neal is confident that a foundation including Johnny Gaudreau, who has led 84 points (24 goals, 60 badists) and Sean Monahan, who has 31 goals in the Flames, will help Calgary reach the next level. [19659003"Jesuistrèsheureuxdecesdeuxgars"adéclaréNeal"C'estvraimentunegranderaisonpourlaquellejevoulaisveniràCalgarycesdeuxjoueurssontdesjoueursincroyablesilsaméliorentleurentourageetcommejel'aiditaveclesgardiensetlesD-corpsnoussommestrèsprèsdegagnermcettepiècequipeutnouspoussersurlebordetnousapporterunchampionnatàCalgary"

Video: Breaking the new James Neal contract with the Flames

The Knights of & # 39; Now have chosen Neal from the Predators in the 2017 NHL Expansion Project. He was selected by the Dallas Stars in the second round (No. 33) of the NHL draft in 2005. He has 495 points (263 goals, 232 badists) in 703 NHL games and 55 points (31 goals and 24 badists) in 100 playoff games.

"He meets a specific need, who is one of the top six right wingers," Flames' general manager Brad Treliving said. "It's an area we've been trying to address for a while, it's a place we've opened.It's a great body, power player, scores 5 out of 5.

" When you look at Us wanted to watch our group before and tackle some areas … the depth in the center of the ice, the addition of a shot in the center of the ice, the rise of the position of the right wing in the line and the creation of global depth in the organization.

The Offspring Flames acquired striker Elias Lindholm and defender Noah Hanifin in an exchange with the Carolina Hurricanes against defender Dougie Hamilton and striker Micheal Ferland, as well as Glen Gulutzan as coach

. Neal, from Whitby, Ont., Has scored at least 21 goals in each of her first 10 seasons in the NHL, scoring 40 career goals with the Penguins in 2011-12 and 31 goals with the Predators in 2015-16.

He has never played for an NHL team based in Canada in 10 seasons.

"In the end, come back to play in a Canadian city and play for the Flames and see how close they are to winning …" Neal said:

Video: James Neal has always liked the city of Calgary

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