nearly 2.5 million participants


According to the Tourism Observatory of Emilia-Romagna (directed by Unioncamere in collaboration with Trademark Italia), the weekend of July 6 to 8 will have a total business turnover of more than 200 millions of euros. [19659002] Corsini, Gnbadi, Cbadani: "Unique event and success of the territory"

"Won – declares the Regional Councilor for Tourism Andrea Corsini – the Destination Romagna.An example of innovation unprecedented tourist model on the national territory where the territory has proven its capacity for dialogue, organization and great hospitality The Notte Rosa is, today, an identity heritage. "

" Also this year – declares the President of the Turistic Destination Andrea Gnbadi – we painted the lives of thousands of people in pink! The desire to party together, freely, rejecting the fear and "Curfew" with smile and joy, was once again a winning element, decreeing the huge success of this thirteenth edition of the Rosa Notte.the localities of the coast, but many villages and castles from the hinterland Romagna "For President Gnbadi" only in an open and hospitable territory like ours where desire to do, creativity, ability to be ourselves, with the participation of tour operators and institutions, it is always central , it is possible to organize the New Year's Eve of Italian summer. An event that can not be replicated elsewhere because it's an identity that gets people moving, creates thousands of job opportunities and develops an estimated business figure of more than 200 millions of euros for each edition. "

" The success of this edition Andrea Gnbadi – proves that The Notte Rosa is alive, and that nothing has been lost from the enthusiasm and pbadion of the first edition, structuring progressively a leading entertainment model in Italy and Europe. The Notte Rosa is a point of reference for the summer of the country, a synergetic, systemic effort, in the sense of creating an inimitable manifestation, capable of creating a unique experience, in which the vocation of the territories becomes the rule of attraction for internationality. The future is as follows: to be ourselves, to involve the entire Adriatic coast for a climax of the entire Mediterranean region. "

" As in a cycle "sprint" – comments the president of Apt Servizi Davide Cbadani – once again the great organization of the Notte Rosa, with the synergistic work of the Region, private operators, the municipalities of the Riviera (and for the first time in the hinterland of Romagna) have reached the finish line. unique in it's genre. It was very interesting to see, for the first time since the sidelines, the New Year's Eve, a beautiful business card for all Romagna which, in the 13th edition, still shows the pbadion of all those who work for this great system event, and a sincere eulogy to the police forces engaged to ensure the success of Notte Rosa. "

Many of the big names involved in fascinating concerts at dawn

There have been many initiatives under the sign of rose, proposed by the tour operators of the places concerned (with many monuments, and palaces, lit in pink) which had their climax in the show of fireworks at sea, which illuminated all the "rose "at midnight 59005] Many, as always, the stars of the music who have" signed ", the Notte Notte 2018: Alvaro Soler in Rimini, Annalisa in Cattolica, Ron in Gatteo Mare, Nina Zilli in Lido degli Scacchi, in Ferrara , Edoardo Bennato in Pesaro, the casting of the Radio Bruno Estate Concert in Cesenatico (Dolcenera, Red Canzian, Alessio Bernabei, Enrico Nigiotti, Anna Tatangelo, Gabry Bridge, Sergio Sylvester, Elettra Lamborghini, Mihail, Fred De Palma, Negrita, Ermal Meta .

And this is not over, they will interpret Paola tonight Turci, Noemi and Maria Antonietta in Riccione; Shel Shapiro in Cattolica; Giusy Ferreri in Bellaria-Igea Marina; Paolo Fresu Devil Quartet at the Park of the Pieve de San Giorgio in Argenta, in the province of Ferrara, where the Orchestra Mirko Casadei will play tomorrow
Numerous, as always, the dawn concerts that took yesterday a prologue to Riccione with the exhibition of Francesco De Leo, broadcast live by Rai Radio 2's "Cartepillar AM" transmission.

The magic and charm of the music at dawn continued on Saturday 7 July , with the concerts of the composer and pianist Remo Anzovino in Rimini; the "B-Quartet" group in Cesenatico, with its show dedicated to the great successes of the 20th century; from Quintet Astreo to Gatteo Mare; singer Nicoletta Fabbri in San Mauro Mare, with a tribute to Mina and Federico Fellini; the "Trio Rosa" of the group Dùn Muin in Milano Marittima; by Rhythm & # 39; n Jazz Duo in Pesaro.
Sunday morning, July 8, concerts at dawn in Bertinoro (FC) to listen to the charm of the sound of the "didgeridoo", the wind instrument of Aboriginal culture (5.30 hours), Inner courtyard of the Bishop's Fortress) and Belvedere Fogliense (Tavullia, at 5.30 am), for the performance of the Aedòn Trio

The Pink Night 2018 "Told" of National Radios

There are many large national radios that this year they talked about their frequencies, Notte Rosa number 13: RDS 100% Grandi Successi, partner of Notte Rosa (5.7 million average daily listeners), live from Rimini from his big red truck, and whose hosts presented the concert of Alvaro Soler, Rai Radio 2 on tour (2,693,000 listeners) from the beach of Riccione with programs "Caterpillar AM", "This is not a country for young people "and" sociopaths ". From Radio Bruno Estate (687,000 listeners) in Cesenatico, with Ermal Meta, Negrita, Mihail and Gabry Ponte, to name just a few of the artists who took turns on stage at Radio Monte Carlo (1,435,000) at the Beat Village of Darsena di San Giuliano Mare in Rimini with the concerts of Finley, Moka Club and Sergio Casabianca and the Gocce, through Virgin Radio (2,698,000) with the special rock party SBK Edition in Misano Adriatico with DJ Ringo, Andrea Rock, Giuseppe Scarpato & # 39; Hillside Power Trio & happy hour July 7th at the World Circuit Misano "Marco Simoncelli"

The Festival's rendez-vous which continues over the weekend [19659002The Notte Rosa 2018 continues until Sunday with a rich program of events. To note in Cervia, the aquatic choreography of the dancers on the platform ( Saturday July 7th 21h00) and the projection, on a screen created by water fountains, of the Amarcord film by Federico Fellini () Sunday, July 8 at 21:00, the free beach of Milano Marittima). Space also for dance (Saturday, July 8 at Milano Marittima) for the final of the "9th European Championship Tango", with performances of the best tango dancers, while in Marina di Ravenna, Saturday evening there will be the second evening of "Marina Love Parade", a colorful and festive nonconformity show, with the duo "Sam & Stenn" and "Soul System".

Even the great music of the Ravenna Festival is protagonist of the Notte Rosa, with the answer tonight, of the show "Maryam", by the Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna (9:00 pm, Rasi Theater, paying) and the concert of the # 39; National symphony orchestra Rai directed by James Conlon still scheduled on [samedi] July 7 at 9:00 pm, at the Pala De Andre in Ravenna (entrance). Events Notte Rosa also at Gradara Castle which, until 8 July, offers guided tours to discover the history of the country under the banner of "Paolo and Francesca in rosa!" While Santarcangelo Festival, for the second year, he presented his inaugural show – performance choral Multitud – on the calendar of the event (Saturday, July 7, 8 pm, Piazza Marconi, Sunday, July 8, 22 hours, Sferisterio Free entry).

and shows for children, with the rich program of the "Notte Rosa dei bambini" of Bellaria Igea Marina, and the initiatives proposed on July 7 at Porto Corsini and, July 8, at Castello di Coriano. Musical event, Saturday evening, July 7 at Castelsismondo di Rimini, where soprano Ala Ganciu and the EoS quartet will perform the most famous melodies of Walt Disney films accompanied by the hands of sand designer Mauro Masi. Finally, the Rosa Carnival in Misano Adriatico (July 7), the "Notte Rosa Beach Festival" at the Kennedy Cake Village in Rimini (until Sunday) and the Catholic event (July 8) for fans of Lego bricks.

For all the events of the weekend, you can visit the website or download the application Notte Rosa .

Notte Rosa 2018 in Riccione


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