New entry in the cast – Tu si vales, instead of Venier arrives Iva Zanicchi | Liguria | culture


testoxixcollab, Tu if vales, Iva Zanicchi, popular judge, Venier, Filippi

  Iva Zanicchi

Iva Zanicchi

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Genoa – New entry in the cast of "Tu si que vales" : after the departure of Mara Venier, who from September will see Rai at the head of "Domenica In", the program of Sunday of her directed for 9 editions, to cover the role of popular judge in the famous talent show of Cbade 5 will be Iva Zanicchi.

A well-designed plan for Maria De Filippi and her production house, the pgt Charm: the singer, nicknamed "Ligonchio's eagle", author of several hit songs, one especially "Gypsy ", and face" Ok, the price is right! ", The game with prices broadcast from 1983 to 2001, will certainly have no problems to conquer the public.

Especially thanks to innate sympathy and sincerity, the qualities have already come out several times, including "Selfie-Things Change" one of the latest television experiments that l? have seen to be engaged last year as a mentor in the show directed by Simona Ventura but still produced by De Filippi.Therefore, the team does not change: if Iva Zanicchi will be the spokesman of the public, judge the performances of the competitors who will alternate on the stage of "Tu si vales", diffused in autumn, there will always be Marie De Filippi, Rudy Zerbi, Teo Mammucari and Gerry Scotti while Belen Rodriguez and former rugby player Martin Castrogiovanni remain confirmed.

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