new prevention measures at parties


The fight against mosquitoes continues. The Emilia-Romagna Region and the Department of Public Health of All of Romagna have recently announced the possible spread in Cesena of West Nile virus related to the presence of mosquitoes belonging to the genus Culex, which are growing in rural areas and urban straddling tiger mosquitoes, with which they share many larval To eliminate the risk to public health represented by the virus, Mayor Paolo Lucchi has signed an ordinance by which extraordinary adulticidal treatments against the common Culex mosquito are mandatory until October 31st in each authorized event that involves the many people meet outside in the evening hours in the green areas or in the green areas.

All subjects authorized to perform events that involve the meeting of many people outside at night in green spaces, are invited to perform extraordinary adulticidal preventive procedures in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the "Regional Guidelines for correct use of anti-mosquito treatments "(available on and entrust the execution of treatments to specialized companies of the sector. In addition, at least 24 hours before the events, you are asked to post information boards to area citizens who report the date and time of treatment, and to inform the public. Association also the Associazione Romagnola Apicoltori ([email protected]). Those who do not respect the order risk a fine ranging from 25 euros to 500 euros. To monitor compliance with the order will be the municipal police corps, the Ausl of Romagna and all authorized agents or judicial police officers. The documentation attesting the treatment of the treatments must be kept at the headquarters of the event, at the disposal of the control organs

"The issuance of this order, which is added to that already in force for the prevention and control Insect and vector-borne diseases and, in particular, tiger mosquitoes, explains Mayor Lucchi and environmental advisor Francesca Lucchi, have become necessary in light of the operational indications received from the Emilia Region. -Romagne and the Department of Public Health of Romagna Autologo with evidence of the circulation of West Nile virus on our provincial territory.It will be very important, and mandatory, to comply with the provisions of the ordinance and reiterate once again only to protect against diseases transmitted by tiger mosquitoes, common mosquitoes and pappataci, the best their way is to prevent its spread. For this reason, we renew the invitation to put in place the few simple steps necessary to prevent the proliferation of these insects: by avoiding stagnant water first and, when that is not possible , using larvicidal products. It is also very important to protect yourself from their bites to defend against even serious diseases that they can transmit; apply specific repellents on the uncovered parts of the body, dress in light colors and do not use perfumes are some useful precautions that avoid being stung. "

All indications and useful tips for an effective fight against the tiger mosquito are available on the website of the Municipality of Cesena, at

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