new release without veil on Instagram, Chechu defends paparazzi


From the sister's support to the new hot photos published on Instagram . Belen Rodriguez [VIDEO] continues to light the Gossip with his risky poses and inevitable rumors about the love story with Andrea Iannone . In recent days, the eternal controversy between the show's daughter and the "paparazzi" has returned. The question was raised by Tu's sister if vales. In an interview with the weekly Sono Cecilia Rodriguez revealed to be very worried about Belen . According to reports from Argentina, the constant pressing of the photographers underlines his sister: "This is not good, persistent attitudes ruin his life".

Strong words from Ignazio Moser's girlfriend who explained that "paparazzi" stayed at home for days and had no respect for privacy. Chechu said that he also tried to talk with the photographers to convince them to ease the pressure. "I wanted them to be quiet but it was useless" – ex-gieffina said.

"I would like a little more humanity"

Rodriguez added that it is not a moment of respite and during the rest of the world summer harbadment is intensified. After engagement with Balalaika the 33-year-old woman from Buenos Aires spends her holidays in her villa in Ibiza. During the MotoGP breaks, the TV presenter is joined by his fiancé Andrea Iannone [VIDEO] . Cecilia pointed out that the couple is constantly in the sights of photographers and in some cases there are moments of tension: "I would like more humanity".

In addition, the twenty-six said they feel upset when someone's approaching her to hear from her sister. "These people are going"

Belen, new hot photos on Instagram

On the other side, Belen dribbles the "paparazzi" but not the pbadion for the selfie and, in these hot days of July, gave his many followers (more than seven million on Instagram) new stunning shots. After a first unveiled photo and a shot with the B side prominently, the Argentine was again shown without a suit while allowing a relaxing swim in the pool. The photo sent fans of Rodriguez in raptures with more than three hundred thousand as in a few minutes. Many expressed appreciation for the sinuous curves of South America, but there were voices outside the choir. Cecilia came to the rescue of her sister: "With this picture, they should do a painting".

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  • belenrodriguezreal /

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