NFL Players Union Files Grievance on Anthem Policy


NEW YORK (AP) The NFL Players Association has filed a grievance with the league challenging its policy on the national anthem.

The union claims that the new policy imposed by the league without consultation with the NFLPA is inconsistent with the collective agreement and infringes the rights of the players.

In May, the NFL approved its National Anthem Policy at its Atlanta homeowners' meetings. The policy allows players to protest during the national anthem by remaining in the locker room, but forbids them to sit or kneel if they are on the field or on the sidelines.

When the league announced the policy, Commissioner Roger Goodell called it a compromise aimed at putting the focus on football after a tumultuous year in which television ratings fell by nearly 10%; some blamed the protests for such a drop. The union said at that time that it would file a grievance against any changes to the collective agreement.

The union said on Tuesday that it had proposed that its executive committee discuss with the NFL instead of proceeding with litigation. The union said the NFL had accepted these discussions

The NFL did not immediately comment on the union's action.

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