Niccolò Bettarini, son of Ventura, injured outside the old fashion


A quarrel outside the Old Fashion nightclub ended with stab wounds. A 19-year-old boy was injured Sunday morning at Viale Alemagna in Milan. The young Niccol Bettarini, son of TV presenter Simona Ventura and former back Stefano Bettarini. He has superficial injuries to his body (nine injuries to the trunk, abdomen and one hand) and a tendon injury. The episode took place shortly after 5:00. Bettarini had spent the whole evening at the club with his girlfriend, then found himself in the middle of a fight to defend a person who He knew. He was taken to Niguarda Hospital in red code and doctors plan to operate in the next few days.

Four people arrested

Four people remain in the night for the attack on Niccol Bettarini. These are the four men whom the boy's friends had already mentioned during this long day of testimony and who were questioned by the agents of the flying brigade and the flying brigade. Meanwhile, since the hospital in Niguarda, where the hospitalized young people, in fact, they have left Niccol surgery every Monday morning for the reconstruction of a forearm tendon.

The dynamics

The reasons for the conflict date back to three weeks. The son of a senior financial guard was in Old Fashion and had a feud with a group of boys. Saturday night, they met at the club and the group of boys approached the son of the army, starting the fight by slapping him. Niccol Bettarini intervened to quell the fight (he knew the young financier from sight). The Old Fashion bouncer has everyone out of the nightclub, including Bettarini. Outside, one of the boys pulled a small knife to threaten the financier's son. Having the worst because, was the son of Simona Ventura who had nothing to do. Investigators collect camera images. There could be more of an abuser: one of the friends who was with Niccol reported that the people who hit him were animals. The boyfriend's friends were heard by the officers of the mobile team and the steering wheel of the Milan police headquarters

Future footballer

Niccol engaged for a year with Michelly Sander, a Brazilian model of his age and very followed on Instagram followers). The 19 year old lives, studies and plays football in London. Niccol, in fact, trains in a local team and dreams, one day, of becoming a football player like his father. He too is a star on the social network: followed by 83, 9,000 followers. Simona Ventura has often stated that her first child is one of those conscientious guys with her head on her shoulders. very close to his brother Giacomo, two years younger than him and has a wonderful relationship with Caterina, the adopted daughter that the presenter decided to take with him

1 July 2018 | 10:00


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