Nile fever, the epidemic is spreading Today two more cases in the Venetian


MIRA – Two other cases of " Nile Virus " also in Mira in Veneziano, is alarm . After that of Cavarzere three years ago and that of Polesine (5 in total), the second case of West Nile in the province of Venice was confirmed this morning by Ulss 3 Serenissima which already communicated to the Municipal administration of Mira the need to activate a treatment of extraordinary disinfestation by mosquitoes . To be affected by the virus would be a citizen of Mirese who is now hospitalized. The age of the patient is unknown: he is comunqu and Italian and masculine .

A few hours after another case reported to Mellaredo di Pianiga he is 50 years old. Venetian hospitalized in Padua. In this municipality, the disinfestation will begin tonight

"The situation is constantly monitored – explains the councilor for the environment of the municipality of Mira, Maurizio Barberini – and as requested by the protocol that we provide as well as disinfection must also inform citizenship by the installation of appropriate signs in the territory to educate residents to an attitude of caution and prevention, especially in the access to green spaces, gardens, parks, private gardens In recent weeks, heavy rains have contributed to the proliferation of mosquitoes – no worries, but prevention is the best thing to do. "

++ Details on the Gazzettino of 27 August ++


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