Nile fever warning in Veneto. Anti-virus plan and disinfestation / Affected areas


by Angela Pederiva

Ten years after her appearance in Veneto, West Nile fever returns to fear. In a few weeks, the first positivity was found in virus (in Veronese but also in Trevigiano and in Veneziano ) and the first case of neuroinvasive caused by the same pathogen (in Polesine ) for this season was confirmed. But the Region has already reacted to the alert by activating the surveillance system of vector-borne diseases since the beginning of this month. The first mosquito carrying the virus, a common specimen of the genus Culex, was discovered by researchers from the Istituto Zooprofilattico delle Venezie on June 12 in a trap located at Villa Bartolomea in the province of Verona. In the following days, similar situations were found for other insects captured in the Treviso and Venice regions. Tuesday, confirmation of the laboratory of
first infection, involving a Polesella aged 59: since last Saturday, the man is admitted to the service of infectious diseases of the hospital of Rovigo, where the clinical picture is stationary. "We are familiar with this reality," explains Luca Coletto, Regional Health Advisor, and this year, since June 1, we have activated a capillary monitoring system, combined with the most incisive actions possible. Human contagion in the neuroinvasive form is fortunately not common. But the health system, already alerted, is able to quickly recognize the disease and provide effective treatment, when a patient presents with certain symptoms of neurological involvement. "
SYMPTOMS The beginnings of West Nile date back to September 2008, when a positive serology of the virus was reported in about twenty samples taken from the horses of a herd in the province of Rovigo. Most of the time, the infection runs out without being visible. "In 20% of cases, however, they explain mild symptoms in the area such as fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, rash": this is West Nile fever. "In a small percentage of cases, especially in the elderly and debilitated, experts add a high fever, muscle weakness and neurological complications such as encephalitis": this is the neuroinvasive disease .
INSECTS AND PRECAUTIONS The infection is not transmitted by direct infection from man to man, but by the bite of an infected mosquito (as well as by donations of blood and & # 39 39 et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et (et (((((((((((((((((,,,,,,,,,,,,,). organs of people already affected), under indictment simply end up disturbing insects. Especially because in the variant Aedes albopictus (ie the tiger mosquito), diseases caused by Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika viruses can also be transmitted. For this reason, the implementation of the control plan was resumed, through the intervention of disinfestation of larval and adulticidal foci by the Municipalities, while the Ulss have the task of evaluating the effectiveness of the treatments. . The Prevention Department of the Region also recommends that citizens do not abandon objects and containers such as cans and jars where rainwater can accumulate, empty these containers daily and cover them up. hermetically still tanks. Other precautions include using mosquito nets and electrical devices containing liquids or platelets, wearing light and opaque clothing and sprinkling repellent skin.
Angela Pederiva


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