No obligation of vaccines for school enrollment


The Ministry of Health, in agreement with the Ministry of Education, is preparing to circulate a circular freezing the obligation to certify the ten vaccinations for power enroll children in school . The deadline of July 10, provided by the Lorenzin law, is canceled by the government of the Northern League. All can enter the school even without vaccination .

There is also work on a new parliamentary law. He will review the principle of mandatory. The list of the 10 vaccines planned will be cut off. The Minister of Health, Giulia Grillo, M5S, and Education colleague Marco Bussetti, of the Lega, will apply what Matteo Salvini said to Pontida: "I will do everything to ensure that all children go to school. School in September and their father. "

Deputy Prime Minister Salvini had anticipated everyone by saying that" ten vaccines are too many. "The current law does not allow for the inclusion in kindergartens and primary schools if you do not certify for this date that the child is in good standing with the ten vaccines.For higher-level schools, the compulsory nature is confirmed, but in case of non-compliance, it is necessary to Salvini promises that all children will go to school even without vaccinations and therefore the principle of mandatory fatigue, the minister's circular goes in this direction.

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