Notte Notte 2018, a crowd of dances and a sea of ​​music from Romagna to the Marches


Rimini, July 6, 2018 – The tide rose began to submerge the entire coast from Romagna to the Marches. And this will continue until Sunday, with the promise of making thousands of people of all ages dance and entertain. Notte Rosa is a great festival on 130 kilometers coast, from the shores of Comacchio to Pesaro, with concerts, shows, illuminations. Strictly pink. Alvaro Soler ( FOTO ) sent thousands of fans into raptures, making everyone dance.


He is the singer of I who directs the rich actors of this thirteenth edition of Saint-Sylvestre on the Riviera, which involves for the first time [19659007] several villages and villages in the hinterland, San Leo, Bertinoro, Verucchio and many others until Gradara and Tavullia


And there are many artists engaged to ignite this long night: Nina Zilli, Annalisa, Edoardo Bennato, Ron, Ermal Meta, Dolcenera, Red Canzian, Sergio Sylvester , Alessio Bernabei and many others. In short, events for all tastes and all genres illuminate in the summer of 2018.

Una Notte Rosa de complet for the Riviera, c & # 39; it's sworn. With 2.5 million tourist presences expected.


THE PROGRAM Rimini and its province Ravenna and Lidi Cesenatico Ferrara and Lidi Pesaro

With the Spanish Soler who opened the games on the free beach of Piazzale Boscovich of Rimini ( FOTO ) Tonight, there were other stars of music at the same time: Nina Zilli at the Lido degli Scacchi ( FOTO ), Edoardo Bennato in Pesaro (FOTO) Annalisa in Cattolica, Ron in Gatteo a Mare and Cesenatico (FOTO) Ermal Meta, Dolcenera, Red Canzian, Sergio Sylvester, Alessio Bernabei, Enrico Nigiotti, Anna Tatangelo, Fred de Palma, Elettra Lamborghini with the great event of Ra di Bruno, lives on Piazza Costa . In Marina di Ravenna on "Marina Love Parade" (PHOTO)

  Nina Zilli at the Pink Night (Samaritani)

THE PARKS Moss evening at Aquafan and party with the dolphins at Oltremare

Saturday July 7, begins at dawn, with the pianist Remo Anzovino on the beach of RiminiTerme (at 5).

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