now also from Lecce transplantation of external donors to the family


LECCE – News in the field of health. More trips to Italy to find the right donor. Since this year, the hematology operational unit of the "Vito Fazzi" hospital in Lecce can also ensure the possibility of non-consanguineous donor transplants, thus effectively complementing its transplant offering. In addition to being already accredited for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (in which the patient is both donor and recipient), the structure is now also accredited for a haplo-identical transplant, ie. A Partially Compatible Donor ( Matched Unrelated Donor ), based on the donation of a healthy volunteer, registered in the bone marrow donor registry

to the present, Donor-free patients in the family, who required an allogeneic stem cell transplant, had to go to another accredited regional center (San Giovanni Rotondo, Bari Policlinico, Taranto or Tricase) or outside the region to register. the appropriate registry that manages the worldwide search for bone marrow donors, and at that location were then submitted transplant.

Novelty, substantial, Di Renzo, primary unit: "With accreditation for mud grafts performed by the operating unit of hematology, donor research the registry can be started directly from Lecce and, therefore, the patient can do here in Lecce the non-consanguineous donor transplant ". A fundamental opportunity for patients and their families, but also the possibility for the Unit of Hematology to increase already important activity volumes. Since it opened in 2006, 435 stem cell transplants have been performed, including 345 autologous and 90 allogeneic transplants, in particular to treat serious pathologies such as acute myeloid and lymphoblastic leukemia, multiple myeloma, lymphomas and myelodysplasias.

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