Oncologists, for 68% there is a conflict of interest with the industry – Health


62% of medical oncologists reported direct payments from the pharmaceutical industry in the last 3 years. Not only that: 68% think that the majority of Italian oncologists are in conflict of interest with the industry and 82% report that the bulk of their oncology training is supported by the industry.
This is revealed by the investigation of conflicts of interest between oncologists and the drug industry conducted by Cipomo (Italian College of Primary Hospital Physicians Oncologists) and published today. in the British Medical Journal. The investigation – which involved 321 oncologists all over Italy, accounting for 13% of oncologists in the role – stresses, stresses the badociation, that the "conflict of interest" is dangerous for the quality of medical care ".
From this survey, says Cipomo, "there is a real urgency: among oncologists, conflict of interest is perceived as a significant problem that can influence the costs and quality of care. For this reason, Cipomo took a stand, writing in an official document the recommendations with the aim of "directing oncology towards the principles of transparency and correction, by ensuring that clinicians develop a more precise awareness about the nature and potential consequences of a conflict of interest ". Recommendations include the sphere of research, to "protect against the influence of commercial interests". More generally, the value of the interaction between industry and clinicians must be based on the "transmission of information useful to improve the quality of care and not to prescribe".
As for training, "it should not be a marketing tool but improve the quality of clinical choices". The document, says President Cipomo Mario Clerico, "does not want to be a complaint but an invitation to awareness."
The pharmaceutical industry sponsors medical conferences and contributes to much of their training. when they choose between different treatment options The choice – he concludes – must be based on values ​​and evidence, not on convenience. "


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