Oncologists for the study and prevention of Burnout


In Caprera, until July 27, "Burnout goes out", the 1st project of prevention of the state of exhaustion, IEO, We Will Care onlus and Centro Velico Caprera.

Burnout is a pilot project designed by the State and the European Institute of Oncology (IEO), with the support of We Will Care onlus and Centro Velico Caprera, which involves Caprera 11 oncologists from 10 different health facilities in 5 Italian regions who for one week experience the badociation between sailing and psychological training on burnout in oncology. The scientific coordination of the project is Professor Gabriella Pravettoni Director of the Department of Oncology and Emato-Oncology of the State University and Director of the Division of Psychology IBE clinic Each stage of the project Burnout extinguished [19659006] is object of video documentation by the operators of the CTU – University Center for e-learning and l 39; multimedia teaching of the University of Milan – present in Caprera for the production of didactic material for the students of the Communication and the Relation in Medicine and for the specialized students. A burnout will be devoted, from the next academic year, to the State University of Milan new teaching modules at the School of Specialization in Oncology who has already, in Italy, taught the psychoncology and the humanization of

A recently published study involved 737 oncologists from 41 European countries showing that, particularly in oncologists under 40 burnout ] is evident in 71% of respondents . Despite the incidence of the phenomenon in Europe and the severity of the consequences that may result from it, to date no systematic research has been conducted on the phenomenon in Italy, although the syndrome is frequently reported in our hospitals.

the demands of a complex disease and the weight of the suffering of the patient are so excessive "burn" even the most prepared and motivated doctor appears the syndrome burnout – explains Gabriella Pravettoni The doctor dries emotionally, loses psychological and empathic energy and reduces his ability and professional efficiency. The consequences can be disastrous for the doctor, but also for the patient, who loses his reference point in an extremely delicate moment of his life Among the main causes of the onset of exhaustion there has both individual variables that are related to the organization of work, including an insufficient or unsatisfactory balance between private and professional life or inadequate periods of posting of professional commitments. "

" We propose to implement a research / intervention plan to evaluate the levels of burnout among oncologists involving, for the pilot group, 15 oncologists from 10 different health structures and 5 Italian regions – continues Professor Pravettoni . Our hypothesis is that an intervention on depletion is all the more effective as the environment is different from the one in which we usually live. Sailing, practiced in an excellent center and carrying values ​​such as the Caprera Sailing Center, has already shown, in the program Patients on board to be an effective therapeutic route for the recovery of the "rudder" of its existence in the storm caused by a tumor . Everything makes us think that similar mechanisms can be activated even in the case of exhaustion . We will demonstrate this by comparing the results of a second group of 15 oncologists, homogeneous by age, to the pilot group, which will propose for one week a training course on burnout at the place of residence. With regard to patients, the goal is to provide physicians with a "toolbox", a toolbox to identify, avoid and cope with future situations of burnout (Source: Milano)

  Pravettoni with CAT operators in Caprera

Gabriella Pravettoni with Max Franceschini and Luca Citron of the CTU

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