One year after Sofia's death, hit by malaria, parents' anger


A tragedy that had shocked Italy and occupied newspaper pages for days, the death of a child for a seemingly incredible cause that had sparked endless controversy. Sofia, a girl of only 4 years old, had in fact lost her life in Brescia. The official explanation behind this absurd death? Malaria. Even though she, the little girl, had never left Italy and had not traveled to tropical countries, where it is possible to contract the dangerous disease. A case that had a lot to discuss and about which today, a year later, Sofia's parents came back, who talked about the incident in an interview with Mauro Favaro on the pages of Il. Messaggero. Words full of anger and pain from an accident that could and should have been avoided and destroyed forever a family. (Continue reading after the picture)

"A fatal mistake was made.Our daughter entered the hospital to treat diabetes, then she disappeared because of the complications of malaria contracted in the pediatric ward Hospital of Santa Chiara di Trento ". It is the father of Sofia, Marco Zago, from the region of Treviso, who then moved to Trento with his wife Francesca, with whom he gave birth to little Sofia. To kill the baby, one of the most serious forms of malaria. (Continue reading after the picture) It is still unclear how it was possible for the child, who had not left Italy in the months before d & # 39; 39 to enter the hospital, was able to contract the disease and unfortunately revealed fatal. The most likely hypothesis among the many considered over the course of months is that everything happened because of the substitution of a needle. In the structure were two girls who had contracted malaria during a trip to Burkina Faso. (Continue reading after photo)

The Judiciary closed the investigation with a nurse surveyed: "We often wonder how we would react if we were to meet her" both said, not hiding great rage for that absurd death that marked their lives forever. Many users who in those hours decided to come back to comment on a case that had greatly affected the Italians.

The little sisters killed by their mother. Maria Sofia and Gaia were 9 and 7 when Giusy Savatta strangled them and then attempted suicide. A case that froze Italy in its entirety. And this is how it ended

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