Opening of LeBron James' I Promise School in Akron: "One of the most beautiful moments of my life"


LeBron James is three-time NBA champion, four-time league champion and ranks seventh in the all-time scorers list, but that's what he does Monday on the court that he places among the pantheons the best moments of his life. The James I Promise School will open its doors in Akron, Ohio, his hometown on Monday, and later in the afternoon he has to speak publicly for the first time since he's been there. joined the Lakers in a free agency.

The initiation of a joint effort between the LeBron James Family Foundation and Akron Public Schools will help educate at-risk youth in Akron. On Sunday night, James was naturally nervous about what he called his "first day of school."

The hbadle before the first day of school are real now !!! Tomorrow will be one of the best (if not the greatest) moments of my life when we open the school #IPROMISE . This skinny kid from Akron who missed 83 days of school in 4th grade had big dreams …

– LeBron James (@KingJames) July 29, 2018

"Tomorrow is going to be one of the best (if not the greatest) moments of my life," James says of the school's opening.

James continued to talk a bit about the mission of the school, and he congratulated Akron So,

big dreams for the children of Akron to give them everything they could have need to find their pbadion, give back to our community and change the world !! This school is that. People are that. Akron is that. @LJFamFoundation We've always made it big

– LeBron James (@KingJames) July 29, 2018

and it will not become bigger than the day of the day. opening tomorrow (until the next thing we dream ?) I am incredibly proud and excited to see my kids, my house and the 330 tomorrow. THANK YOU! Let's go and take ownership of it. Let's go ?? @IPROMISESchool #WeAreFamily #IPROMISE

– LeBron James (@KingJames) July 29, 2018

The school is an accelerated program, according to Brian from ESPN Windhorst. It has a longer school day and a longer school year, there will be more than 40 staff members, and students who complete the school program (which is already in progress) will receive course at the University of Akron from 2021

James is also expected to talk about his choice to join the Lakers when he will talk about the program – but he would probably like the focus to be on what he did for Akron. The school is the culmination of nearly a decade of work, so it's a great day for James.

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