Paleolithic diet, reactivates metabolism and satisfies you faster


Paleolithic nutrition predicted a protein component higher than that recommended today and differed significantly from the latter. The meat was leaner, poorer and very different in fat composition than today's meats. In addition, this food was rich in omega-3 fatty acids, today almost absent in the meat of animals raised in food (a clear difference with those grown for free). However, fats are an essential and important component of the Paleolithic diet, with no overt exaggeration.

The Paleolithic diet does not rely on calorie counting, nor does it prescribe specific amounts of food, but it still helps to lose weight. The secret is soon to be told: it's a real lifestyle that aims to get closer to the true nature of man, so he considers basic physical exercise, to build lean mbad with outdoor walks in the hours of light, because the current life leads to a desynchronization of our biological clock compared to the rhythms of nature. Eating like primitives means understanding the balances that have kept our species alive for millions of years without drugs, and trying to bring us back to that style as much as possible.

Paleolithic diet, reactivating the metabolism and it satisfies you more quickly . The Paleopha diet loses weight because it causes a reduction in the inflammatory state of the body, resulting in a reactivation of the metabolism. Natural foods eat fewer calories and have greater purifying power. According to the paleo diet, our body is made to use as sources of energy also fats and proteins, foods that quickly trigger the cessation of hunger. The modern diet, however, rich in carbohydrates, bypbades these mechanisms. That's why it's easy to overtake eating bread and pasta: our body is not predisposed to say "stop" to these foods.

Advantages of the Paleolithic regime . But how did the Paleolithic eat? Meat, fish and eggs are allowed, and cereals, milk and milk products, legumes and industrial sugars should be avoided. If the meat must be, it must come from naturally fed animals, such as cattle with grbad, fish should not be bred, eggs from hens and seasonal vegetables, at zero kilometers, grown without pesticides. Advantages? A greater presence of slimming nutrients in what we eat: more vitamins, more antioxidants, more good fats, all the valuable metabolic activators.

The menu example of a typical day of the Paleo diet . It is not necessary to always adopt the paleo diet day by day, but you can take what is good, by following it for one or two days a week. Main meals should always contain a portion of carbohydrates (fruits / vegetables), fats (oils, dried fruits) and protein (meat, fish, eggs). The recipes are based on simplicity.

For the Paleolithic diet, breakfast must consist mainly of fats and proteins. These two nutrients also serve to regulate the hormones of satiety throughout the day. A plate of eggs and ham (high quality) and / or a smoothie with coconut and avocado and dried fruit.
At lunch you can eat a fillet of fish (about 200 g) with vegetables and a fruit. For the evening, a chicken bad with a half-potato and some pieces of pumpkin

So, in summary, the advice for a good Paleolithic diet are:

Make lots of small meals and not much and abundant; Hormonal stimulation (insulin) is also reduced compared to that caused by more abundant and concentrated meals

Eating red or white meat (even if it is still present today). hui is processed over millions of years) and it loses many nutritional values ​​compared to the Paleolithic: it is no coincidence that farm animals receive food with cereals, while They were free, they ate what nature imposed on them) and carbohydrates of fruits and vegetables, avoiding only pasta, bread, biscuits, rusks, rice and all the derivatives of cereals

Dissociate foods properly, that is to say, avoid mixing different proteins, so that digested and absorbed better by the body.

Physical Activity: The Paleolithic man went hunting for food, he was not sitting on a couch watching are watching TV, and did a fight to kill the animal; now we go to the supermarket and everything is ready, so it is very important to play sports.

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