Panace di Mantegazza, the toxic plant that causes burns and even blindness to touch it


Alex Childress, a 17-year-old boy residing in Virginia, United States, after touching the panache of Mantegazza, was burned in the face. Panace Mantegazza is also widespread in our country, is a plant native to the Caucasus but also widespread in Italy. Contact with the liquid of the leaves and branches causes severe burns on the permanent skin after about 24 hours of contact and progressively worsens in the following days. The affected areas remain photoreactive for a long time, even years.

The young man was cutting a bush in the area around a factory when a branch touched his arm and face. The boy said that he had not noticed the incident first. "At the hospital, they kept me in the shower for an hour and a half to clean my body and lower the pH level." Once at home, after taking a shower, her skin started to come off, with second and third degree burns, and the mother, realizing that there was something wrong, l? immediately took to the emergency room. 19659002] danger. Skin and eyes: when they are affected, in the presence or after direct sunlight or UV rays, causes severe inflammation of the skin with extensive bullous lesions that may leave permanent scarring. Small amounts of lymph in the eye can cause temporary or even permanent blindness. These reactions are due to the presence, in the leaves, in the flowers, in the seeds, in the trunk and in the root of the furocumarinic derivatives which are able to penetrate the nucleus of the epithelial cells and to bind to the DNA who kills them

already after 15 minutes of contact, after 24 hours, redness and accumulation of liquids in the form of bubbles may occur. After about a week, the affected area may have abnormal pigmentation, which may last for months and remain more sensitive to solar radiation for a few years. The atmospheric humidity and the high temperatures can accentuate the reaction, which also depends on the individual sensitivity.

What to do and what not to do. The plant is disseminated by seeds, even 30,000 in the largest specimens, transported a few tens of meters from the wind, or at a great distance from the water. It is therefore important to intervene before flowering:

– periodic mowing (at least once a month during the vegetative season, from April), the specimens return but weakened
– eradication , by cutting the roots at least 10 cm lower the insertion of basal leaves to prevent recovery

Ripe seed umbrellas are collected in bags to be kept closed and sent to incineration with d & rsquo; Other waste. Any chemical weeding requires technical expertise and special attention to the environment, to limit further damage. All operations should be performed with care to avoid contact with the skin: use gloves, cover exposed parts of the body, especially with the use of the brush cutter, move cautiously between specimens.

The spread of exotic species in an uncontrolled manner in the last These years become a true biological invasion and constitute one of the most important threats to the conservation of biodiversity, also causing serious damage to both the Economic and health man. In Italy, this phenomenon, despite the heterogeneity of the territory, environmental fragility and exposure to diversified phenomena of trade, is not particularly serious. Nevertheless, the phenomenon continues to increase both because of the marked anthropization of natural areas and the constant search by man of exotic or exotic plant species to use at the ornament and food with health properties.

children in the growth area, do not touch the plants with bare hands, do not ignore the problem, because it can cause harm to unconscious people. To whom I signal the presence. Anyone who finds the panacea of ​​Mantegazza is invited to report it to the competent municipality.

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