Panic Attacks, When Anxiety Becomes a Real Pathology


Among the many feelings that each of us feels each day, one of the most destabilizing is undoubtedly anxiety.

It can happen to anyone, at certain times of life, to feel particularly under pressure, stress and therefore, trigger a little, feel emotional tension and indeterminate apprehension.

But when we come to a generalized and indeterminate anxiety situation, apparently without specific causes, we also experience somatic discomfort.

Panic attacks are sudden and destabilizing episodes with a high physical and emotional impact. In the clbadical manifestation, they last about twenty minutes and are characterized by physical symptoms such as tachycardia, chest pain, tremors, sweating, chills, nausea and abdominal pain and more cognitive symptoms: sensation of dizziness. unreality, self-detachment, fear of going mad, dying or losing control.

They may be alone or more frequently, causing considerable suffering and having a negative impact on the quality of life of those who suffer

. a panic attack, the person concerned obviously fears that it can happen again. Therefore, a vicious cycle is triggered that can turn the single panic attack into a real panic disorder. We learn to be afraid of fear.

Psychologically, one may have the feeling of being away from the concrete reality of the situation and of oneself, while at the end of the anxiety crisis one feels exhausted and exhausted. The worst situation is when the person feels upset and is also forced into a confined space-time, so she can not even physically move.

The genetic predisposition, the family climate in which we grew up, the character stress, worries, trauma or aggression, as well as personal, social and professional difficulties can be counted among the possible causes of panic attacks , but experience shows that these forms of acute anxiety are not the kind related to a specific situation, or to a single "cause"

One of the physiological causes of panic attack is also hypoglycemia or a decrease in blood sugar that triggers a series of biochemical reactions. as an alarm bell the symptomatology of the attack. It is therefore important that blood glucose be constant during the day

In general, as we have already said, most seizures are resolved within minutes, correlated with respiratory control exercises up to the end of the day. end. to be able to recover a state of calm

In other cases, panic attacks require a targeted therapeutic intervention, where the episodes are highly disabling both for the health of the subjects and for that of the persons who are close

. of psychotherapy that scientific research has shown to be most effective, as soon as possible, is the "cognitive-behavioral". It is a short psychotherapy, usually weekly, where the patient plays an active role in solving his problem and, with the therapist, focuses on learning more thought patterns and more functional behaviors for the patient. crisis treatment. panic, in order to break the vicious circles of the disease.

Antidepressants have also been created to treat depression, but they have also been shown to be effective in treating anxiety disorders. These medications begin to change the brain's chemical processes as early as the first dose, but to become fully effective, they must change balances that require regular intake for at least 4 to 6 weeks before the symptoms begin to fade.

Panic attacks are due to anxiety states, stress or directly depend on organic diseases such as hyperthyroidism or other factors such as abuse or drug abstinence or alcohol, revise your lifestyle and relationship with your body can only improve the situation. Physical activity plays a fundamental role because it allows the body to break free and be physically fit, and gives self-esteem, self-confidence and psychological serenity.

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