Parents in the anxiety of social confrontation (they want to be the best on vacation)


The stress of the city was not enough, at home and at work, related to Whatsapp, Selfie and Istangram. Today, social media is also upsetting the holidays of Italians, mothers and fathers, who fear not to plan the holidays of their children up to expectations. Or not to compare themselves to posts posted on the profiles of friends and their mothers. This is evidenced by a recent survey conducted by Opium Research with a sample of 1,500 parents of children aged 5 to 16 years old.

There is also anxiety to compare. First there was only performance anxiety, badociated with the time or preparation that precedes an important event. For example, in the case of parents, vacations must be perfect, condescending to the demands of sport, entertainment, and places their children prefer. To this has been added a second, as an act of continuity: the anxiety to be compared. With what? With the quality and the possibilities of holidays offered to the friends of the children by their parents and with whom it seems inevitable the comparison. Substantial, in real time, at zero time. Because if you had to wait a few years ago to come back from a vacation to tell, to know what had happened to clbadmate or friend of the heart during the summer, now you can see it without flinching, without even asking. Without the taste of waiting, because everything is displayed, there on the phone screen, accessible to friends, subject to the likes or dislikes of the observer and the judge . A scary verb, the latter, a slogan for Italian parents.

This is confirmed by the search. Almost three-quarters of Italian parents, 73%, would be worried about not offering a vacation that matches their children's expectations, whose expectations seem to be gaining an extra year every year. A state of anxiety that for a third of parents would start very early: 3 months before the end of school and early summer. In short, spring. If all goes well, that is, if the child has a good holiday, better than that of his partner, here is another problem for the Italian parent. Because the feeling of guilt could be replaced by anxiety. For example, 49 percent would be mortified by the lack or lack of time spent with their children, to the point that 43 percent of mothers and fathers confessed that they had falsified or were not safe. had not gone to work alone to stay home with your little ones. And if I am with them there is anxiety, in 30% of cases, for too long that young people go to the interior, or because – this is the case of 32% parents – they have the concession to stay, perhaps too long, glued to the TV screens, the computer, the iPad and others. Or, in 25% of parents, the feeling of guilt stems from the fact that they can not afford to do great activities on vacation or on vacation, or because, they say that 20% parents, children can spend it in Italy and not abroad, unlike the friends of their children who may be doing more beautiful things. A vicious circle, in short, without end.

Maledetti social. Social media is also increasing the pressure: it's true. 28% of Italian mothers and fathers say they feel under pressure / judgment / examination, you do a little "at every post that represents the perfect summer, published naturally by the friend of his son on his profile, visible and shareable with all.The increase in pressure would reach a peak, for 32% of parents, when children would start telling the activities they've seen, always on social networks, bading !, By their friends.And not disfiguring, what (does) do? 31% of mothers and fathers end up only load the pictures that represent the perfect hack on their pages, the best, and not the one that represents life Despite the friend

It makes a present. To compensate for all these feelings of guilt or to have just been a thread under the threshold of expectations of his son, the Italian parents invent another. They buy a gift, in 7 cases out of 10, especially if they are very generous mothers, with their hands a little holey, or easy to persuade. According to the research, the average weekly cost that each parent would spend to entertain the child during the summer months is about 187 euros, invested in 33 percent of the cases in pizza and burger dinners, in day trips to theme parks or movie theaters with a percentage of preference of 32 percent, in the purchase of 24 percent of sweets and ice cream, up to 19 percent which rather prefers to satisfy children with new technologies such as the iPad or video games. The amount set aside for these activities by the Italian parents would still be much higher than that of the English and French families, ready to spend up to 210 euros, 220 euros the Germans while the Spaniards would be limited to about 150 euros .

. But at the end of the summer, what will children remember the most? Certainly the funny, spontaneous and unthinking moments that will coexist with your family. Not the message of the friend, the anxieties of the performance, the confrontation, the rising pressure or the gift received on holidays of mom and dad. Because every day counts the quality of what is offered, not the quantity.

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