Parents turn off the phone, it's not good for the relationship with children


Damage to "tecnoferenza". Systematically taking refuge in the smartphone, especially when the child is having a seizure, may not be a good strategy because it increases the child's nervousness and problematic behavior. Better to cope with the situation

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SMARTPHONE, computers, tablets and other devices take up a lot of our daily time. And sometimes they become a haven against the problems: however, excessive use is not a good solution. This is especially true for young children: to escape daily stress, caused by the difficulty of managing the whims and behavior of children, the parent often avoids confrontation with the child by closing more and more on the children. digital technologies. A choice that does not turn out to be the most appropriate, as shown by a study on pediatric research: the relationship between adults and children does not improve and in the long term, children become even more agitated and complain

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